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Warwick SU
Week 11 All Member Email
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As we move into the Easter Vacation period, this is just a quick email update for all Postgraduate students who are still working hard, together with any Undergraduates who may be based around campus or the local area.
The SU is still open during the coming weeks if you need us for anything – please read on for more information about our opening hours, the latest news and notable events that are coming up in the local area.
We look forward to seeing you if you’re about!
Week 1 - All Member email
Week 1 - All Member email

SU Opening Times

The majority of our food outlets, bars and services will still be open during the Easter Vacation period – click through for full details.

Strike update

The Sabbatical Officer team have published an update on the current strike action, featuring details of how students can play their part in bringing it to a fair and equitable conclusion for our staff.

Student Trustees

Trustees help oversee the strategic direction and financial stability of the SU, and we’re currently recruiting 2 new Student Trustees for the 2018-19 academic year. Visit our Trustees webpage for more info – application deadline: Noon on 26th April.

Study Space survey

SU Education Officer LIAM JACKSON has just launched a new survey which will help us identify the sort of study spaces that students want. Please fill out the survey online so we can make our case to the University!

Shop Front Festival

As part of the build-up programme for Coventry 2021, Theatre Absolute are delighted to host the first Shop Front Festival in Coventry on 23rd-24th March. Find out more via the University’s webpages.

IPC Papers

The call for papers is now live for this year’s Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference (IPC) – a chance for Postgraduates to showcase their research across disciplines.

Summer Events

The dates of this year’s Graduation Ball, Sports Ball, PG Ball and Socs Summer Party have recently been announced – stay tuned for full ticket info coming soon.

Wednesday Afternoons Free

Every Wednesday afternoon, students are missing the chance to attend BUCS fixtures, meet up with their society, undertake volunteering opportunities, and enrich their university experience outside of their timetables. Our new campaign seeks to change that!

Welcome Week events

Clubs and societies are currently being invited to host events during Welcome Week to advertise their various opportunities to new students joining us this September – click through for more info! Deadline: 31st March.


For too long, international students have had an unfair deal when it comes to tuition fees, and as a student community we believe this must change. Please sign our petition to demand fairness, transparency and consistency in international fees.

Speak Out

We’re asking BME students to tell us about their experiences at university as part of our ‘Speak Out’ anti-racism campaign - submit your comments anonymously via our online form.

Consent Matters

Help make our campus a safe and inclusive environment for everyone by taking the online ‘Consent Matters’ module - a fully interactive and evidence-based course covering the areas of sexual consent, communication and relationships, and bystander intervention.

Cycle Coventry events

Find out what’s coming up during the next few weeks for cyclists based in and around the Coventry area.

NUS Extra

Make the most of the Easter Vacation period by saving money in hundreds of countries worldwide with an NUS Extra Card.
® © Warwick SU Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL Charity & Company Details
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