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Week 7 All Member Email
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Start the countdown - it’s just 4 days until our Sports Teams take on their counterparts over at Coventry University to see who can lay claim to the title of greatest sporting institution this side of the A45 in this year’s VARSITY tournament!
#TeamWarwick are looking to claim their 29th consecutive victory this year, and we need YOU to come along and cheer on our teams as they head into battle. Every fixture matters, but there’s always a real buzz around the opening and closing matches - our special Varsity Bundles cost just £10, and include tickets and transport to the Basketball opener off-campus on Friday and the Football finale on Sunday.
On top of that, you also get food and drink vouchers plus an array of Team Warwick goodies to help with the festivities (including, of course, the immortal Varsity foam finger). As an added bonus, we’ve just confirmed that the Bundles include transport back to Leamington from the Football for those who want to take up the offer!
Make sure you’re there for what is always one of the year’s highlights here at Warwick by getting your tickets via the link below – and best of luck to everyone who’ll be donning their colours this week to represent Team Warwick!
Week 1 - All Member email
Week 1 - All Member email

Varsity Bundles

Bargain bundles featuring tickets, transport, freebies and #TeamWarwick merch are now available for this week’s Varsity fixtures. Get yours for just £10 and make sure you’re there to support our teams this weekend!

UCU Strikes

In the recent SU Referendum, Warwick students voted overwhelmingly to support our teachers in their current dispute over pensions. Visit our Strike Hub for key information, upcoming events and campaigning resources.

Mental Health Awareness

There are loads of different events on to mark Metal Health Awareness Week here at Warwick, from workshops and daily Creative Corners to Yoga and wellbeing support sessions.

Varsity Fixtures

Check out the full fixture list for this year’s tournament and come along to cheer on our clubs as they head into battle!

Strikes Q&A

We’re holding a Q&A event for students at 5:30pm today in the SU Atrium about the upcoming strikes, chaired by SU Postgraduate Officer EMILY DUNFORD.

Strike Letter-Writing

On Friday 23rd February, during the second day of the UCU strike, we are hosting a letter-writing session for students who want to get involved in the campaign to support UCU in their fight for fair pensions – join us from 1-3pm in Meeting Room 2 of SUHQ.

Education Officer wins

SU Education Officer LIAM JACKSON has posted another blog update, this time detailing the work he’s been doing so far on buses, academic representation, academic experience, liberating the curriculum, Welcome Week and wellbeing.

Hidden Histories

Our next ‘Hidden Histories’ talk takes place this Wednesday at 5pm in S0.21, with Lisa Tilley exploring the subject “Race, Intimacy and the Hidden Histories of Extraction”.

Financial Hardship

The SU Advice Centre is able to provide help and support to any students experiencing financial hardship. There will be a range of options open to you to help deal with your situation and enable you to look forward to a more positive future.

Housing Deposits

If you are asked to pay fees, deposits or rent in cash, you should always try to arrange to make the payment by bank transfer to ensure you can show you have paid the money and have details of who you have paid it to. Click through for more information!

Teaching Excellence Awards

This year’s Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE) are now accepting nominations from students – visit their website for more info on how to recognise the teaching staff and postgraduates who really make a difference to your studies!

Curiositea specials

Curiositea will be getting in on the wellbeing action with a range of specials to celebrate and support Mental Health Awareness Week!

Ask for Angela

As part of the #WeGetConsent campaign, the ‘Ask for Angela’ service is now available in our venues. If you’re ever feeling uncomfortable on a night out, just ask to speak to “Angela” at the bar and a member of staff will help you out.


For too long, international students have had an unfair deal when it comes to tuition fees, and as a student community we believe this must change. Please sign our petition to demand fairness, transparency and consistency in international fees.

LGBTUA+ History Month

Throughout many periods in history, the lives and accomplishments of LGBTUA+ people have been ignored or actively erased. This LGBTUA+ History Month, we're spreading knowledge and forging links to counteract this historical erasure.

Inspiring Women

Maureen Johnson, Warwick graduate and founder of ‘Freedom Fostering’ will be the next speaker on 28th February – click through for more information and to book your place.

Counselling workshops

The University’s Counselling Service is running a series of workshop this term on a range of different subjects – click through for further details and to register.

Speak Out

We’re asking BME students to tell us about their experiences at university as part of our ‘Speak Out’ anti-racism campaign - submit your comments anonymously via our online form.

University Awards

Do you know a member of University or SU staff who deserves special recognition for improving your time at Warwick? Now’s your chance to celebrate them – nominations are now open for this year’s University Awards, with a whole host of categories to choose from.

Wednesday Afternoons Free

Every Wednesday afternoon, students are missing the chance to attend BUCS fixtures, meet up with their society, undertake volunteering opportunities, and enrich their university experience outside of their timetables. Our new campaign seeks to change that!

Consent Matters

Help make our campus a safe and inclusive environment for everyone by taking the online ‘Consent Matters’ module - a fully interactive and evidence-based course covering the areas of sexual consent, communication and relationships, and bystander intervention.

Campaigns Round-Up

Find out what’s been going on recently in the world of campaigning here at the SU.

Halls Hoodies

Living on campus? If so, stand tall and represent your hall by grabbing your personalised Halls Hoodie from our online shop!

NUS Extra

Inspired by the Varsity vibe? If so, check out the incredible array of Health & Fitness offers available from NUS Extra, the ultimate student discount card!

Bread Oven special

This week’s World Foods special is Arabian Falafel: sweet potato falafel, harissa houmous, mint yoghurt, olives and jalapenos for £3.95. Make it a Meal Deal with a mint green tea and baklava for £5.20!
Week 1 - All Member email
What's on this week

Postgraduate Pub Quiz

Date: Tuesday 20 February 2018
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Postgraduate Pub Quiz

Musical Bingo

Date: Tuesday 20 February 2018
Time: 10pm - midnight
Musical Bingo

POP! Week 7

Date: Wednesday 21 February 2018
Time: 10pm - 2am
POP! Week 7

Quackstar Karaoke

Date: Wednesday 21 February 2018
Time: 10pm - midnight
Quackstar Karaoke

Coffee House Sessions: Barnaby Bright

Date: Thursday 22 February 2018
Time: 4:30pm - 6pm
Coffee House Sessions: Barnaby Bright


Date: Thursday 22 February 2018
Time: 9pm - 1am

Cleverducks Pub Quiz

Date: Thursday 22 February 2018
Time: 10pm - midnight
Cleverducks Pub Quiz

Varsity 2018: Opener & Finale bundle

Date: Sunday 25 February 2018
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Varsity 2018: Opener & Finale bundle
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