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LAST CHANCE TO VOTE in SU Policy Referendum
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Voting closes 12pm midday Friday 20th May

In one of the most important Referendums the SU has held in recent years, you can now vote on the question put to the Emergency All Student Meeting:

‘Should Warwick SU continue its affiliation with the National Union of Students?’

The outcome of this decision will impact thousands of Warwick Students directly, so please do take the time to read the arguments for and against before making your decision.

The Facebook campaign for ‘YES’

The Facebook campaign for ‘NO’

SU President’s neutral statement with the facts and figures on NUS membership here:

You can also vote on the motions to the scheduled All Student Meeting, including your first chance to have a say on the EU Referendum – is Warwick in or out? For many International Students this may be your only opportunity to express an opinion on the future of the UK within or outside the EU, so we urge you to use it and vote in the SU Policy Referendum.

You are also being asked to vote on whether the SU should run a campaign to sabotage the National Student Survey (NSS) in response to the Government’s newly published White Paper on Higher Education – the largest shake up of the sector in over two decades!

The other motions important to Warwick Students you can vote on are:

  • Mental Health
  • Warwick Against Anti-Semitism
  • Ethical Eats Ethos
  • Supporting Hourly Paid Teachers and Academics
  • (Deport Theresa May) Let International Students Stay
  • Warwick Against Human Rights Abuses – Boycott G4S*
  • Students Against TTIP

Every motion has been proposed by students, and now we ask all students to have their say in democratically deciding SU policy.

Vote now at

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