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Week 3 Update from Warwick SU. Having trouble viewing this email?
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We’re already looking ahead to next year’s Freshers period here at the SU - if you’re interested in part-time work during September/October and can spare enough time to commit to several shifts of 2, 4 or 5 hours, we’d love for you to join our team of Freshers Helpers. You’ll need to be knowledgeable about the Union, Halls of Residence and campus life, and you must have a friendly personality – click on the link below to sign up!

Fancy getting paid to be part of the SU’s welcome team at the start of the next academic year? If so, sign-ups for 2016 Freshers Helpers are now live.

What’s your sustainability vision for the University? Whether it relates to green space, cars on campus, ethical investment or greening the curriculum, this is your chance to feed into Warwick’s sustainability consultation.

SU President ISAAC LEIGH blogs on the progress of his manifesto pledge to remove Societies and Sports Federation fees for students on a year abroad.

Join Warwick and Coventry academics along with other charities and organisations working with food this Friday to discuss our relationship with food.

You can now get your lunchtime baguette fix on Saturdays for the next five weeks as The Bread Oven opens from Noon-3pm!

Check out the University’s new webpage celebrating a few of the many LGBTUA+ role-models here at Warwick.

Celebrate your extra-curricular achievements this year in style – tickets for our annual Societies Awards are now on sale to students, alumni and guests.

The Graduation Ball is our big bash for final-year students and their guests, held in the splendour of the Birmingham Hilton Metropole. Tickets are going fast – don’t miss out if you’re intending to join us!

It’s happening. It’s real. It’s live. Catch all the action from this year’s Eurovision Song Contest up on the campus Big Screen this Saturday from 8pm!

Help us help you… and get a free lunch in the process! We’re currently looking for students to sign up to the Mystery Diner scheme running in our outlets.

Do you know a final-year student who’s made a real difference in the Warwick community? If so, nominate them for an Outstanding Student Contribution Award!

Need something printed for your club, society or personal use? The SU runs a print shop offering the cheapest prices on campus – check out our website for all the details or email for a quote!

This week’s special is Tuna Nicoise – tuna with sliced egg, black olives, lettuce and tomato for £3.20.


This Week

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm -

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9pm - Dirty Duck

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