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With the undergraduate year drawing to a close last week, this is a quick update for postgraduates or students from other year groups who will still be studying or working hard over the summer!

Many thanks as always to Rawkus for running collections of unwanted food items over the last few days - if you’re based off-campus and planning to vacate your property over the coming days, please remember to make sure you’re a good neighbour! Visit our ‘Leave Leam Tidy’ and ‘Keep Cov Clean’ pages for more info about recycling facilities in the local area, as well as useful checklists for moving out.

Don’t forget that the SU will still be open over the coming months, with the current Sabbatical Officer team remaining in-post until their successors take over on 1st August. See below for this and other useful news items and upcoming events - we look forward to seeing you around!

SU Opening Times

Most of our bars, services and food outlets will be open all summer – visit the SU website to see the SU’s vacation opening hours.

Campus Works

Campus Works

Due to the ongoing campus redevelopment works, there will be several key changes to campus routes over the summer vacation period which students should be aware of! See the SU website for a summary of the amendments most likely to affect transport.

Love Community

If you’re planning to vacate off-campus accommodation in Leamington or Coventry over the coming weeks, make sure you’re a good neighbour! Visit our ‘Leave Leam Tidy’ and ‘Keep Cov Clean’ pages for more info.

Sports Ball pics

Check out some of the big winners at last week’s Sports Ball in our photo album on Facebook.

Socs Awards pics

We’ve also uploaded a few snaps from Week 9’s Societies Awards – congratulations to everyone who was nominated!

PG Bursaries

The University has just announced £500,000 of widening participation (WP) bursaries, which will be available to students starting a taught Masters course in 2016/17 - see SU Postgraduate Officer NAT PANDA’s latest blog post for more info.

PG Summer Fete

Join the PG Hub team on Thursday 28th July for an afternoon of music, games and BBQ food – booking details coming soon!

Board Game Nights

Join us over the summer for board game nights in The Dirty Duck. There will be loads of games to choose from, catering to all abilities. All you need to do show up and have some fun!

PGR Teaching Winners

Congratulations to all those postgraduate teachers who won or were commended at the recent Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence!

Hourly Pay Petition

Our petition calling for fairer hourly pay for postgrads teaching in the Sciences is still open – click through to add your signature.

Democracy Review

Student Council recently approved this year’s Democracy Review, in readiness for the coming academic year - click through to read SU Democracy & Development Officer OLLY RICE’s article summarising the key changes.

Chancellor Nominations

This summer, Warwick will appoint its new Chancellor – and they’re currently accepting nominations from the student community. See our statement online for more info about how you can get involved!

Laundrette Maintenance

Unfortunately the Rootes Laundrette on campus will be out of action today (Monday 4th July) for essential maintenance works. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause – it should be back open on Tuesday 5th.

Health Centre Survey

We’d like to know what your experience of using the Campus Health Centre has been like this year – please click through to send us your thoughts.

Ents survey

Ahead of a revamp of our entertainments programme this summer, we want to hear what you think about the range of events on campus – there’s a prize draw which everyone who sends us their feedback will be entered into!

Summer of Sport

The final stages of the European Championships will be shown on the campus Big Screen over the next few weeks, along with key Wimbledon matches - visit their website for the full schedule.

NUS Extra

Make the most of your time as a student this summer with NUS Extra! There are hundreds of discounts available on travel, socialising, shopping and more to make your finances go further.

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