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Week 9 Update from Warwick SU. Having trouble viewing this email?
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Well, that’s that done and dusted for another year. Many thanks to everyone who stood as a candidate or voted in last week’s OFFICER ELECTIONS – we now have a new provisional Sabbatical Officer, Part-Time Officer and NUS Delegate team for 2016-17. Congratulations to all the winning candidates - find out who’ll be representing you by clicking on the relevant links below!

Week 9 will see student society Engineers Without Borders launch Warwick Against Poverty Week, while our menu of special Easter Treats will also be returning to Curiositea. For those of you who like their music loud, the Battle of the Bands Final takes place this Thursday in Copper Rooms 1, with Crash bringing the noise on Saturday night.

The provisional results of last week’s elections for SU Officers and NUS National Conference Delegates are now available to view online, pending ratification of the final result.

Warwick Against Poverty is an initiative created by EWB Warwick to combat poverty through engineering and collaborations with other societies - find out more on their website.

A major national Question Time style-debate will be streamed live this Tuesday (8th March), titled ‘Should students care about the EU?’ The event will feature speakers from both sides of the debate, and will be accessible at the link above from 7:45pm-9pm on Tuesday.

Join the team from the Warwick Globalist publication on Tuesday as they launch their new issue, entitled ‘Mind Matters: Mental Health in the Modern World’.

Our delicious seasonal hot drinks and sweet treats are back next week in Curiositea, with the offer running through until the end of term.

Last chance this term to get yourself checked out for sexually-transmitted infections – come along to Meeting Rooms 4/5 from 11:30am on Tuesday for a free and confidential test.

This Friday is the deadline to register any special arrangements for the April exams period – make sure you don’t leave it too late if this is relevant to you!

Students are invited to attend a workshop and screening organised by Warwick’s Centre for the Study of Women and Gender (in association with the SU Women’s Officer) this Thursday.

This will be the (actual) last week we’re collecting signatures condemning the University’s decision to award outgoing Vice-Chancellor Nigel Thrift a £92,000 ‘golden farewell’ – please take a few moments to sign our petition if you haven’t done so already!

An open letter has been written to new Warwick Vice-Chancellor Stuart Croft, calling on him to condemn Prevent and the recent Higher Education Green Paper - click the subject header above for more info and to add your signature.

The ISIC bolt-on (previously an additional £2.99) now comes as standard with any NUS Extra card purchase, meaning that you’re able to access thousands of discounts worldwide. Make sure you get the most out of being a student!

Music Theatre Warwick launch their new production Good Business this week, set in 1930s Chicago and focusing on two rival mobster gangs in the peak of the Great Depression.

£3,000 is being offered to support student projects that could improve the sustainability of our campus – find out more via the Warwick website.

Has one person made the difference to your teaching and learning? If so, nominations are now open for the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence.

This week’s special is Hot Steak Melt – hot strips of peppered steak with red onion chutney and grated cheddar for £3.45. Get in mah belly.


This Week

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

Battle of the Bands Final 2016 - Thursday - 7:30pm - Copper Rooms

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

Charity Latin Night - Friday - 8pm - Cooper Rooms 2

Get Funked - Friday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

CRASH - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 2

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