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The big event this week is the return of the ALL STUDENT MEETING, which marks your chance to vote on the issues which have been submitted by your fellow students to become potential SU policy. The meeting itself will take place today (Monday) from 5:30pm in Copper Rooms 1 - if you can’t make it along, be sure to catch up online afterwards and have your say when voting goes live from 9am on Tuesday.

In other democracy news, we’re running a special session this week encouraging female students to consider running as a candidate in the upcoming Officer Elections – if you’ve ever grumbled about the lack of diversity in this year’s Sabbatical Officer team, this is your chance to make a difference and be the change! See the link below for all the details.

Check out the motions which are up for discussion and join the debate ahead of tonight’s meeting – you’ll be able to vote online between 9am Tuesday and midday Friday.

Visit the SU’s Democracy pages to find out which positions are available in this term’s Officer Elections, together with information about how you can stand as a candidate!

A special event where female students can find out more info about the upcoming Officer positions up for grabs and why they should consider putting themselves forward.

Our chefs will be getting their frying pans at the ready to celebrate Shrove Tuesday – come along to grab yourself some sweet or savoury pancakes in Xananas!

Get loved up in Curiositea this week as we celebrate the romantic season with our Sharing Platter - available for either one or two people!

Another chance to get yourself tested for sexually-transmitted infections. It's free, confidential and there's no need to make an appointment - just turn up to Meeting Rooms 4/5 of SUHQ between 11:30am-5pm on Tuesday and you'll be seen as soon as possible!

Period Pride Day is coming to Warwick next week! Visit SU Women’s Officer CHLOE WYNNE’s recent blog post for more info.

Warwick University Dramatic Society unveils its new production this week – a gender-blind version of Laura Wade’s acclaimed play, which inspired the recent British film The Riot Club.

West Midlands Police are currently running a campaign to help reduce the risk of burglary in student properties – check out their website for hints, tips and a chance to win a Mac Book Pro.

Sign up to the University’s new snap poll service – you can earn potential Eating@Warwick credit for filling in occasional short surveys!

Make sure you get behind #TeamWarwick in our sporting clashes against Coventry University this term – fixture lists and tickets can now be accessed online.

Warwick Pride invite you to ‘Query a Queer’ this month – ask any anonymous question about LGBT+ness you like and they'll provide an answer before opening it up for discussion!

This week’s special is Hot Pulled Pork (giggle) – succulent pork slow-cooked in a smoky, sticky BBQ marinade for £3.45.


This Week

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4:30pm - Curiositea

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

Get Funked - Friday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

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