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If you’re planning to live off-campus as a student next year, we want to make sure that you have all the info you need to make the right choice. It’s important not to rush into a decision that you might regret later, as it could end up having a detrimental effect on your studies or personal wellbeing!

To find out more about the range of options available, all students are invited to drop by our HOUSING DAY in the Atrium on Wednesday – here you’ll have the chance to chat to members of our Advice Centre Team, Sabbatical Officers and other key organisations about living in the local area. We’ll also be unveiling the winners of our recent ‘Housing Horrors’ and Community Snapshots competition!

Elsewhere, the countdown to Christmas officially starts here as a selection of festive specials hit our food outlets this week. We look forward to getting you well fed before the holidays!

Visit the Atrium from 10am on Wednesday to explore the range of off-campus accommodation options and ask questions to staff and students. If you can’t make it along, be sure to check the Housing pages of the SU website by clicking on the link above!

We’re currently running a petition to raise support for a Biometric Residency Permit Machine to be installed on campus to prevent international students having to travel to Birmingham – click through to register your support!

Police registrations are a legal requirement for most international students, and they will continue to take place on campus until the end of this week.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas by booking a festive Tea Party at Curiositea – available now until the end of the first week of vacation!

Our restaurant is also running a full seasonal menu, which is now available to view online – advance booking is recommended, as we’re always busy in the last few weeks of term!

The University and SU are currently preparing a joint response to the government’s recent Green Paper on the future of Higher Education, and want to hear your thoughts – head to the link above before Noon on 4th December to contribute.

Visit the University’s website for more information about everything that’s coming up on campus for Christmas.

Have fun with your friends on an easy bike ride on campus dressed as Santa, raising money for local charity the Heart of England Community Foundation. If you don’t have a bike, you can hire one from UniCycles at Warwick!

Win tickets to the SU Christmas Ball by navigating an obstacle course while wearing a giant inflatable bubble – coming up this Friday in the Sports Centre!

A local winter community shelter project is currently looking for volunteers – visit their Facebook page for more information.

The annual Staff Awards recognise SU and University staff’s outstanding contributions to student life, and highlight those individuals and teams who go above and beyond in their daily working lives. There are 10 categories, all of which are now open for nominations!

Interested in a student volunteering opportunity based in India? If so, the deadline to apply for the 2016 Laksh Project is this Friday at Noon.

Another scam email has been circulating under the heading ‘University of Warwick Grant Information’ – please make sure that you’re aware of this and don’t respond to it!

This Week

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4:30pm - Curiositea

CLEVERDUCK PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

GET FUNKED - Friday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

CRASH - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

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