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Many thanks to those of you who joined us at Week 5’s National Demo – Warwick students had a strong presence on the day which got us featured prominently in several major news outlets!

Last Friday, the government released its Green Paper on the future of Higher Education in UK, which outlines upcoming rises in tuition fees and the imposition of new regulatory frameworks posing potential challenges for academics and students alike - please see below for an overview from the SU’s Education Officer.

SU Education Officer CHARLIE HINDHAUGH blogs on the government’s newly-released proposals for the Higher Education sector, and what they mean for students both present and future.

The chefs in Xananas will be serving up a delicious selection of seafood dishes fresh from our waters this week – check the specials board each day to see what’s available!

Do you want to inspire the next generation of potential university applicants by visiting local schools and Further Education institutions to tell them more about your own experiences as a student? If so, apply to volunteer with Warwick Inspire!

The International Gateway for Gifted Youth is looking for a number of postgraduates to take on the paid role of IGGY Student Mentor/Moderator during the 2015/2016 academic year.

If you’re planning to live off-campus next year, make sure you don’t rush into a decision you might regret later - check out this short article from our Advice Centre team for info on your next steps.

We’re looking for your Community Snapshots and photos of ‘Housing Horrors’ for our annual Housing Day in Week 9 – help your fellow students to make the right accommodation choices by getting involved!

Fancy free cycle training on campus? Choose from traffic-free learn-to-ride and beginners courses, or on-road courses for improvers on Wednesdays at 5.30pm (Nov 11th, Nov 18th).

Do you have a creative eye, the ability to produce great videos or the knack for writing fantastic essays? If so, the newly-launched Chancellor’s Commission competition has a total prize fund of £3000 in various categories.

Are you part of a club or society which promotes enterprise or enterprising activities to its members? Whether your endeavours are big or small, the University want to hear from you so that they can feature your activities on their new webpages!

This year’s Dignity at Warwick event will focus on ending the stigmas surrounding Mental Health – visit their webpage to see how you can get involved.

The ‘IF Project’ to create a new Humanities Building is targeted at students and staff in the Faculty of Arts or who use either the Humanities Building or Milburn House. The University would love students’ input on the project – click through to get involved.

The Opportunity Fund provides bursaries to clubs, societies and other groups of students (as well as individual students) to help fund extra-curricular activities. Applications for this year are now open, with a final deadline of 23rd November.

This Week

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

POP! ***SOLD OUT*** - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4:30pm - Curiositea

CLEVERDUCK PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

GET FUNKED - Friday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

Afrofest: The Evolution - Saturday - 6pm - Copper Rooms, Warwick Student Union, Main Campus

CRASH - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

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