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Week 5 Update from Warwick SU. Having trouble viewing this email?
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November 4th will provide a chance for students from across the UK to voice their opposition to the policies currently affecting Higher Education, from rising tuition fees and the abolition of maintenance grants to funding and the PREVENT agenda. We’ll be taking 2 coaches of students along to the National Demo for Free Education in London on Wednesday, so stay tuned to the SU’s social media channels for further updates on the day.

In the meantime, if you’re looking to get out and about for Bonfire Night this weekend, don’t forget to buy your tickets to the Kenilworth Fireworks display at SUHQ Reception. Have a great week!

SU Welfare Officer LUKE PILOT blogs on the background to this week’s demonstration, and why it’s important that students unite to campaign for a better future.

If you’re planning to live off-campus next year, make sure you don’t rush into a decision you might regret later! Check out this short article from our Advice Centre team for info on your next steps.

We’re looking for your Community Snapshots and photos of ‘Housing Horrors’ for our annual Housing Day in Week 9 – help your fellow students to make the right accommodation choices by getting involved!

From studying abroad or volunteering to learning a language, there are loads of ways for you to expand and globalise your education during your time at Warwick – visit the Go Global Fair in the Atrium this Thursday to find out more!

Warwick Boar brings the famed Channel 4 broadcaster to the Arts Centre this Tuesday for a Q&A session – visit their Facebook event for full details.

This year’s Dignity at Warwick event will focus on ending the stigmas surrounding Mental Health – visit their webpage to see how you can get involved.

Voice your opinions on key University services – sign up for HearNow and earn rewards in the process.

Students travelling on or off-campus should be aware of several diversions and roadwork projects affecting local routes in the coming weeks – click through for the latest news.

We’re looking for students to volunteer 1-2 hours per week on a regular basis manning the Reception desk in the SU’s Advice Centre – click through for more info if you’re interested in helping out!

We’re selling tickets to the region’s most popular Bonfire & Fireworks display, which will take place in Kenilworth on 7th November – visit SUHQ Reception to buy yours.

The ‘IF Project’ to create a new Humanities Building is targeted at students and staff in the Faculty of Arts or who use either the Humanities Building or Milburn House. The University would love students’ input on the project – click through to get involved.

The Opportunity Fund provides bursaries to clubs, societies and other groups of students (as well as individual students) to help fund extra-curricular activities. Applications for this year are now open, with a final deadline of 23rd November.

The University recently launched its new ‘My Warwick’ portal for students – please take a few moments to visit the page to find out the most important campus news!

If you live on campus, please make sure you double-check your final address before confirming orders made online, as the Post Room have recently been experiencing problems with parcels that are incorrectly addressed.

This Week

THE ORDINARY BOYS + THE SHERLOCKS - Tuesday - 7:30pm - Copper Rooms 2

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4:30pm - Curiositea

CLEVERDUCK PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

GET FUNKED - Friday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

CRASH - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

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