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Week 3 Update from Warwick SU. Having trouble viewing this email?
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Now that Freshers Fortnight is done and dusted, we move onto the more serious business of getting your SU properly up and running for the coming year! This week sees the return of the Autumn Elections, in which you’ll have the chance to elect Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps and members of the SU’s new Exec Committees.

These are the people who will be placed right at the heart of your SU, working to resolve issues on your behalf. It’s therefore really important that you have your say and help make the university experience the best it can be for you and your fellow students – voting opens online at 9am on Tuesday!

Autumn Elections

Read the candidates’ manifestos and cast your vote online - voting opens 9am Tuesday and closes at 9pm on Thursday.

Student info portal

The University is scheduled to launch its new central information mini-site for students on Tuesday this week – please take a few moments to visit the page to find out the most important campus news!

Nightline recruitment

Do people often say that you're a good listener? If so, Nightline may be the society for you – they’re recruiting new volunteers this week at the Nightline building (between Old & New Rootes) between 10am-4pm on Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October.

Amazon deliveries

Amazon’s auto-correct function for campus addresses is apparently changing everyone’s Hall details to just “Post Room” after they’ve gone off the address page. Please make sure you double-check your final address before confirming your order!

Careers Fairs

There are loads of different careers fairs taking place on campus this term, covering a wide range of sectors – come along and see what appeals to you!

Slavery Museum trip

The Black History Month team are running a trip to the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool next week – click on the subject heading above to book your place on the coach!

One Big Thing

This sporting initiative aims to get everyone across Coventry participating in 30 minutes of physical activity throughout the day, and get them working together to create a healthier and more energetic community. This year’s event takes place on Wednesday – click through for more info!

Policy Lab lecture

Sir Nick Macpherson, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, will be speaking as part of the Warwick Policy Lab lecture series this Tuesday on 'The Global Economic and Financial Crisis: what we have learnt 7 years on?'

This Week

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4:30pm - Curiositea

DUKE SPECIAL - Thursday - 7:30pm - Copper Rooms 2

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

UB40 - Friday - 7:30pm - Copper Rooms 1

GET FUNKED - Friday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

SKOOL DAYZ - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

KING KING - Sunday - 7:30pm - Copper Rooms 2

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