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Welcome to Week 2!

We hope you’re all settling back in okay – please don’t forget that the Students’ Union is here for you if you need advice on any aspect of living off-campus! Check out our Advice Centre webpages at or email if there’s any way that we can help.

We know that many of you are experiencing frustration with the local bus services, and we’re currently collecting evidence of this to present to the bus companies. Don’t suffer in silence – let us know about any problems you encounter so that we can help try and fix them.

Finally, don’t forget that nominations for the Autumn Elections close this Friday (16th October) at 5pm – if you want to help make your SU and University the best that they can be, make sure you get involved!

Autumn Elections

Want to represent your fellow students and gain valuable experience by getting stuck in at the heart of your Union? Check out the different positions available in this term’s elections – nominations close this Friday!

Stagecoach letter

SU President ISAAC LEIGH recently laid the smackdown on Stagecoach by posting an open letter to the heads of the company – read it on his Officer blog.

Bus reporting form

Keep those complaints coming in – only by sending us the details of the problems you encounter can we present hard evidence to the bus companies!

Environmental Fund

SU Environment and Ethics Officer MATT GREENHAM blogs on an exciting new project fund being used to provide financial support for student projects and initiatives which promote sustainability.

Black History Month

This year’s event schedule is now firmly underway – visit the team’s Facebook page for more details of everything that’s going on to mark Black History Month at Warwick.

One Big Thing

The One Big Thing initiative aims to get everyone across Coventry participating in 30 minutes of physical activity throughout the day, and get them working together to create a healthier and more energetic community. This year’s event is on 21st October – click through for more!

I Heart Consent

Open to all students, these interactive 90-minute sessions provide a safe space for you to discuss the myths and facts around sexual violence – if you’re on a society or sports club exec, don’t forget that attendance is mandatory for at least two members! Sign up online at the link above.

Imagination Festival

The Festival of the Imagination takes place this weekend – don’t miss the chance to be part of Warwick’s 50th Anniversary celebrations!

This Week

HALL WARS *** SOLD OUT *** - Monday - 10pm - Warwick SU: Full Union

LATIN NIGHT - Tuesday - 8pm - Copper Rooms 2

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - SOLD OUT - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4:30pm - Curiositea

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9pm - Dirty Duck

FRESHERS PARTY 2015 *** SOLD OUT *** - Friday - 9pm - Warwick SU: Full Union

SATURDAY SESSION - Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

COMEDY SOCIETY PRESENTS... - Sunday - 7pm - Copper Rooms

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