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Following the passing of a TeachHigher motion at the recent ASM, we’re hosting a follow-up meeting with the University this Thursday from 5pm in SUHQ Meeting Rooms 4/5 where students can ask questions and air their concerns about the scheme. The Terms & Conditions are released this week, so there will be a special focus on these – see below for further details.

Elsewhere, Xananas is hosting the eminently munchable Burger Week, while this Saturday will see the return of one of the year’s most hotly-anticipated events: the Crash Top 40. Help pick the tunes that get played by following the link below!

PG Society of the Week is ISoc, who warmly welcome Muslims and Non-Muslims from all backgrounds to encourage a strong community vibe and Islamic environment on campus. Visit for more information!


We’re hosting an additional chance to put questions to the University this Thursday, with a particular focus on the newly-released Terms & Conditions.

Crash Top 40

This week we’ll be counting down the year’s most popular rock and alternative anthems at Crash, and we want students from all year groups to help pick the playlist! Select your 5 favourites from the shortlist on Facebook by clicking on the header above.

Burger Week

Great big hunking slabs of meat (including meat-free options!) to get your jaws around - coming to the SU's restaurant in Week 7.

NUS Extra Referrals

Another great deal from NUS Extra - refer a friend and, when they buy their card, you'll get a £10 PizzaExpress voucher code for the next time you spend £20 or more. Offer closes 7th June 2015.

GUM Clinic

Your last chance this term to get yourself tested for sexually-transmitted infections on campus - just turn up on the day this Tuesday between 11:30am-5:30pm and you'll be seen as soon as possible.

Rebrand Poll Results

Thanks to everyone who filled out our survey on the University’s rebrand – we’ve posted a selection of your comments online, together of details of what we’ve done with them.

Strategic Review

We've been developing our Strategic Plan for the next few years - click through to see what we've been doing, what the plan looks like so far, and to have your say.

I Heart Consent

‘I Heart Consent’ workshops are coming to Freshers Fortnight, and we need dynamic student volunteers to deliver them. If you want to start positive conversations about sexual consent and healthy relationships, apply now! Deadline: Friday 5th June.

PG Events Review

The University and Students' Union are currently reviewing their summer events offering for Postgraduates. We’d love to hear from you as to what kind of event or events you would like to see more of! For any further comments, please contact

PG Taught Survey

The national Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is run by the University in conjunction with the Higher Education Academy. Your participation in this survey is greatly valued and will contribute to the continuous enhancement of postgraduate research degree provision at Warwick.

Careers Fair

Student Careers and Skills are hosting their Summer Careers Fair on Tuesday 23rd June from 12pm-4pm in the Rootes Building. Whatever your degree discipline, year of study or the extent of your career planning so far, there will be hopefully something to appeal to you!

Phone Scam

We’ve been made aware of another potential telephone scam targeting international students – please make sure you read up and are aware of it if you’re studying here from overseas.

Recovery Partnership

The Recovery Partnership are offering informal advice this term for anybody who wants more information on drugs/alcohol or access to treatment for those who feel like they need a higher level of support.

Youth Theatre

Warwick Arts Centre is looking for enthusiastic and committed University of Warwick students to work with their Youth Theatre for 8 to 16-year olds for the academic year 2015/16. Application date: 10am, Monday 8th June.

Children's Services

Children’s Services are currently recruiting for their Holiday Scheme this summer. No formal qualifications are required, but an enthusiasm and enjoyment of working with primary school aged children is essential! Deadline: 9th June.

Mystery Diner?

We’re running a Mystery Diner scheme in our outlets to help us improve our commercial offering – click through to sign up and get up to £5 off your next meal from us!

Why Not Volunteer?

We’re looking for a Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer for the next academic year – visit the link above for more information! Deadline: midday, Friday Week 7.

Grad Ball tickets

Last few tickets are currently available for this year’s Graduation Ball, priced at £49 per-person. Tables seat a maximum of 10 people!

Bread Oven special

This week’s special is Hawaiian Chicken: chicken, bacon and pineapple with BBQ sauce and grated cheese for £3.45.


This Week

POP! - Wednesday - 7pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS QUIZ - Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED - Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

CRASH: The Top 40 2015 - Saturday - 8pm - Copper Rooms 2

SATURDAY SESSION - Saturday - 9:30pm - Terrace Bar

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