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Week 4 sees the return of One World Week to campus. One of the largest student-run international festivals anywhere in the UK, OWW offers a celebration of Warwick’s diversity through a series of specially-organised talks, events, performances and sporting tournaments - visit their website at to check out the full programme.

Also notable this week is the start of the 2015 Varsity season, with our Basketball team taking on their counterparts from Coventry University in the opening game this Friday – tickets include return transport and are available now via the SU website! For those who like their sport televised, we’ll also be screening the Super Bowl this Sunday evening in the SU Atrium, while for fans of live music, Bandsoc’s annual Battle of the Bands tournament gets underway on Tuesday night in The Copper Rooms.

Read SU Societies Officer Isaac Leigh’s latest blog post on everything that’s going on at One World Week.

Our sporting community is looking to make it 25 solid years undefeated – find out all the fixtures, buy tickets/merchandise and watch video previews over at our new mini-site!

We want to hear your opinions on what the SU should be focusing on over the coming years as part of our upcoming Strategic Review – click through to sign up for a session.

UCU are running a survey on casualised workers and their experiences at Warwick. They will use the results of the study in order to help them push for fairer employment rights. Postgraduates who teach are included in this bracket - click the link above to take part.

A Warwick PhD student is running a study on altruism and charitable giving which forms part of his research - to take part in a short survey, visit the link below. It should take no more than 7 minutes and takes place entirely online!

The next phase of the campus development works begins this week, meaning there’ll be some changes to the bus stops being serviced – visit the SU website for an update.

Tickets are now available for one of the most popular and hotly-anticipated events of One World Week via the Arts Centre website and box office.

We’re running special themed menus at our restaurant this Monday (Caribbean), Wednesday (European) and Friday (Asian) - check the SU website on each day for full details!

Sign up as an individual or part of a team for the Badminton, Basketball and 5-a-side Football activities that’ll be taking place during One World Week’s Sports programme.

The largest student-run real ale festival in the UK will return from 12th-14th February. This will be the festival’s 36th edition and will boast over 120 different ales, 30 ciders, a selection of fruit wines and a hugely popular international beer bar!

The University will be carrying out improvements to the Eating@Warwick service this week which will affect any payments made off-campus – click through for more info.

To promote safe cycling at Warwick, the Estates Office and Campus Security Team are hosting a drop-in centre this Thursday from 4-6pm on Library Road, with free cycle lights, high-visibility rucksack covers and D-locks for students who use a bicycle on campus.

The SU Advice Centre has uploaded information for students with regard to signing a housing contract, plus details of the NUS’s own recent checklist.

Warwick’s Centre for Human Rights in Practice is running an independent summit to explore the future of peaceful protest at our University. To access the survey you will need to log in with a valid university username and password, and you have the option to make your comments anonymously.

Warwick Sport’s Active Leagues are the perfect way to get some friends together, socialise and keep fit. If you don't have a team and are looking join one of their leagues, you can sign up as an individual!

Warwick Sport also has a host of courses available for Term 2 which include everything from Bootcamp and Pilates to Swimming and Climbing – visit their website for full details!

We have four different specials on offer this week for One World Week, all at £3.45: Oriental Chilli Satay Chicken, Middle Eastern Lamb Meatballs with Mint Yoghurt, Greek Feta/Black Olive/Cucumber/Tomato, and The Manhattan – cheddar, bacon and BBQ sauce.

Change100 is a programme of paid summer internships and mentoring, designed to support the career development of talented university students who define as having a disability or long-term health condition. Application deadline: 30th January 2015.

This Week

OWW 2015 - Performance Day - Monday - 11am - Atrium

Battle of the Bands - Heat 1 - Tuesday - 7pm - Room 2

OWW 2015 - Future Impact Day - Tuesday - 11am - Atrium

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

OWW 2015 - Warwick's Got Talent - Wednesday - 2pm - Copper Rooms 1

POP! - Wednesday - 7pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

OWW 2015 - Market Day - Thursday - 11am - Atrium

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 5pm - Curiositea

CLEVERDUCKS QUIZ - Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

Flirt! feat. ZAWE ASHTON DJ set! (Vod from Fresh Meat) - Friday - 8pm - Copper Rooms 2

GET FUNKED - Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

SATURDAY SESSION - Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

OWW 2015 - World Party feat CLUB MTV - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1

SUPERBOWL PARTY 2015 - Sunday - 10:30pm - Atrium

The Bubble - 14-15 Term 2, Week 3 edition out now.

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