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Many thanks to everyone who voted in the SU’s Autumn Elections last week – see below for more information about the outcome! If you’re interested in getting hands-on experience of helping out with our 250+ student societies here at the Students’ Union, there are also details of a vacancy for a Postgraduate Representative on the Societies Committee.

For a full rundown of all the various events taking place during Week 4, make sure you visit and click on the calendar, or visit for all the latest PG news. Have a great week!

The provisional results are in, pending final ratification by the Returning Officer - find out who’ll be representing the Postgraduate community this year!

We’re committed to making our representative body as diverse as possible - you'll get to vote on the creation of new societies, constitution changes and even vote in the Societies Awards! Application deadline: Friday 24th October at Noon.

Inspire is a unique programme which gives students the opportunity to visit local schools and work with young people aged 11-15 from widening participation backgrounds, training them through a series of self-designed workshops on routes into higher education. Application deadline is Tuesday 21st October.

This Tuesday, we offer a chance for students to get checked out for STIs (sexually-transmitted infections) as the mobile GUM Clinic returns to the SU. It's free, confidential, non-invasive and there's no need to make an appointment - just turn up on the day and you'll be seen as soon as possible.

Warwick University Drama Society’s latest production is running in the Arts Centre from Wednesday to Saturday this week – click through for more info and to buy tickets.

Character Crafts’ jewellery-making workshop returns to Curiositea this Friday – the perfect handmade item to keep for yourself or give away as a gift!

The University's Security services have alerted us to a potential scam circulating with which Warwick is not associated, and which students are urged to be extremely wary of. Please click through for full details, particularly if you’re an international student!

Awarded every two years, students are now able to nominate candidates for consideration in this prestigious competition.

Black History Month continues this week with talks, screenings, exhibitions and a club night in The Copper Rooms – follow them on Facebook for all the latest news!

World@Warwick is an SU society which is FREE to join and offers chances for home and international students to meet at their social, Global, plus a football team, free language classes, a Language Cafe, a Language Buddy scheme and trip and tours to top UK destinations!

Campus Police Officer Fiona Jay runs regular Police Surgeries and registration sessions for bicycles and other personal property – visit the University’s webpage above for more info.

This week’s baguette special is Strips of peppered steak with red onion chutney and grated cheddar SERVED HOT! £3.45 or Hey Pesto! Oven roasted vegetables with pesto mayonnaise and grated cheddar SERVED HOT! £3.20

This Week

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 5:30pm - Curiositea

MIXOLOGY - Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED - Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

FLIRT! feat JAMEELA JAMIL - Friday - 10:30pm - Copper Rooms 2

miTUNES - Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

The Bubble - 14-15 Term 1, Week 3 edition out now.

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