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Week 3 Update from Warwick SU. Having trouble viewing this email?
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This week, the student body will be electing Part-Time & Mature Student Officers, Faculty Reps, Student Councillors and more in the Autumn Elections – these are the people who will be representing the postgraduate community on various SU committees during the coming year, so it’s really important that you take the time to vote for the candidates who you think will do the best job on your behalf! Voting only takes a few clicks and is all done online via the SU website - polls open at 9am on Tuesday.

With term now in full swing, there are loads of great society events taking place on campus alongside our regular events programme – make sure you check out the calendar at to keep up with everything that’s going on. Have a great week!

Elect your International Officers, Part-Time & Mature Student Officer, NUS Delegates and Student Councillors for the coming year – voting closes at 9pm on Thursday night, with results announced online the following day.

There’ve been some fantastic events for Black History Month so far – make sure you keep up to date with all the latest news by following them on Facebook here.

Could you get from campus to ANYWHERE in the world in 36 hours without spending a penny? If you fancy taking part in Jailbreak 2014, come along to their info and registration meeting at 7pm on Tuesday in the Ramphal Building!

World@Warwick is an SU society which is FREE to join and offers chances for home and international students to meet at their social, Global, plus a football team, free language classes, a Language Cafe, a Language Buddy scheme and trip and tours to top UK destinations!

CMS Cameron McKenna, Europe’s leading law firm, will be in the Atrium on Wednesday 15th October, giving you the chance to take part in their Hot Seat Challenge. There are daily prizes to be won, while the UK top scorer will win a fantastic weekend away!

We're getting some great support from the local Police on crime prevention for students - check out the details of their upcoming mobile stations in Leamington, where you can relay any concerns you may have about living in the area!

Campus Police Officer Fiona Jay runs regular Police Surgeries and registration sessions for bicycles and other personal property on campus – visit the University’s webpage above for more info.

West Midlands Police are also running a campaign urging students to register their mobile phones in the event of theft – click through for further details.

The SU's Student Advice Centre provides a comprehensive confidential information and advice service for all students. This year, we have three types of volunteering opportunities available for anyone with a couple of spare hours during term-time!

Loot Vintage Clothing will be visiting Curiositea this Saturday with a selection of clothing from their Leamington shop – come down from 10am for a browse!

This week’s baguette special is Pulled Pork for £3.45: succulent pork slow-cooked in a smoky sticky BBQ marinade. Alternatively, try our Super Salmon: smoked salmon, avocado and ground black pepper for £3.45.

This Week

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 5:30pm - Curiositea

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED - Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

FLIRT! - Friday - 10:30pm - Copper Rooms 2

SATURDAY SESSION - Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

SKOOL DAYZ ***SOLD OUT*** - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

The Bubble - 14-15 Term 1, Week 3 edition out now.

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