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A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who stood as a candidate or voted in last week’s Officer Elections – hopefully things can now start returning to normal on campus! For details of this year’s winners, see the link below. However, don’t forget that the current team (Ben, Erin, Cat, Lucy, Ant, Zoe and Cosmo) will still be ‘in-post’ until the beginning of August – you can find their contact details here if you ever need to get in touch!

Week 9 is Women’s Week here at the SU, in which Warwick SU will be celebrating the women in your life while honouring female achievements throughout history. It also provides a chance to reflect on contemporary gender politics and look towards greater equality in the future! There are all sorts of events taking place throughout the week which are open to all students.

The other big news this week is the launch of MTV’s Summer Ball competition, in which we’ll be competing for the chance to have our Summer Party entertainments budget DOUBLED. Want to see a MASSIVE name appearing on the bill? This is your chance to help make it happen! It all takes place on Twitter – more details below.

Whatever you’re up to, we hope you have a great week!

Feminism benefits all of us. Come along to a week of events open to all students, ranging from slam poetry and politics to music, film screenings and theatre!

MTV will be DOUBLING the Summer Party entertainments budget of whichever Uni sends the most tweets in this exciting new competition – click through to find out how YOU can help bring a massive headliner to campus!

Congratulations to the newly- elected Sabbatical Team for next year, which was announced on Friday night at our special Elections Party in The Copper Rooms. Visit the Warwick SU website to find out who’ll be representing YOU in 2014-15!

Well, we won the Varsity title… again. Standard! Congratulations to everyone involved in another stellar effort – same time next year, Cov…?

Once again, as part of our Love Community Campaign, we are going to be helping clean up the Canal in Leamington THIS SUNDAY. This is an amazing opportunity for us to help make a difference in our local area! Please do come along, and bring your housemates, societies and clubs along too!

Affordable, on-trend vintage fashion for guys and girls – coming this Monday (3rd March) to the SU Atrium from 12pm. If you miss out, don’t forget that there’s also another appearance from LOOT this Saturday in Curiositea from 10am!

Our pop-up stall will be visiting Westwood Café between 12-2pm on Tuesday – come and chat to us about getting involved in the SU or any problems you might be having!

There’s just one place left in next week’s Grand Final – come along this Thursday evening to watch the Runners-Up from all five heats duking it out for the last slot!

Warwick's Inspire society are holding a panel and debate event on campus in conjunction with Teach First, discussing the issue of Higher Education access and its wider implications. The event takes place this Thursday (6th March) from 7pm-8:30pm in H0.51!

Our own String Orchestra’s Spring Concert will held this Thursday (6th March) from 7:30pm at Radford Road Church in Leamington Spa. Tickets cost £3 for students (£5 all others) and will be available on the door!

This week’s special is Roast Butternut Squash with Parmesan, Toasted Pine Nuts and Rocket for £3.45. Head up to The Bread Oven this week to grab one!

CourseSync is a new service which allows students to get course-related material automatically sent to your SkyDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox. Click through for more information and to sign up!

An opportunity to have your say and help Warwick Sport improve their offers for the future. All completed questionnaires get entered into our prize draw to win one of three £50 Warwick Sport Vouchers or one of ten Class or Gym Vouchers!

This Week

Latin Night! - Monday - 8pm - Copper Rooms 2

The Vagina Monologues 2014 - Tuesday - 7pm - Warwick SU Copper Rooms 1

UNPLUCKED - Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 7pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

COFFEE HOUSE SESSIONS - Thursday - 4pm - Curiositea

Battle of the Bands 2014: Semi Final - Thursday - 8pm - Copper Rooms 2

GLOBAL - Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED - Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

Loot Vintage Fashion Fair - Saturday - 10am - Curiositea

miTUNES - Saturday - 9pm -

CRASH - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 2

The Bubble sponsored by Grant Thornton - 13-14 Term 2, Week 9 edition out now.

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