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Welcome to Week 3!

If you were affected by the PG housing crisis at the start of the year and think this may have affected your work or are considering mitigating circumstances, this is just a timely reminder that the SU’s Advice Centre can support you in approaching your department or drafting supporting letters – we’ve already assisted several students with this, so make sure you don’t suffer in silence!

Next week will see ONE WORLD WEEK make its return to Warwick. Tickets are already on sale for the OWW Fashion Show and our own Food Festival in Xananas – stay tuned for more information about everything else that’s going on via both the SU and their own website.

In the meantime, here’s a taste of what’s happening on campus this week…

Google+ Hangouts are live online video events of Q&A sessions with a group of expert panellists. This week, they’ll be discussing the hot topic of the moment: how to secure a job after your PhD. The session takes place this Wednesday at 1pm – click through for full details.

Every January, people across the UK hold Burns’ Night celebrations to honour the work of the Scottish poet Robert Burns. The PG Hub will be celebrating with a poetry competition – the deadline for submissions is this Wednesday!

Warwick SU is proud to be hosting a week of events to raise awareness of the issues disabled students face within the HE sector and to highlight how different disabilities affect different people. Visit the link above for the full schedule.

There’s another chance to get checked out for STIs this Tuesday from 11:30am in the Central Meeting Area of SUHQ at our free and confidential GUM Clinic.

Our pop-up stall will be visiting the Engineering Common Room between 12-2pm on Tuesday – come and chat to us about getting involved in the SU or any problems you might be having.

Should the UK exit the European Union? Everyone’s welcome to take part in another lively debate from 5pm in IMC.02 this Friday!

Do you know your Pacific Rim from your South Pacific? Join WSC in The Mighty Duck from 7:30pm this Friday to test out your movie trivia knowledge.

Make sure you visit Curiositea from 10am on Saturday for another chance to pick up a selection of retro and vintage clothing courtesy of Leamington’s own Loot!

Tickets are available now (via the Arts Centre Box Office) for one of the most hotly-anticipated student events of the year – click through for more information about Nostalgia, this year’s OWW Fashion Show!

This week’s special is Hot Carved Pork in Gravy with Stuffing and Apple Sauce. For a vegetarian-friendly option, you can swap the pork for Roasted Aubergine!

It’s the last week of our offers on main courses and desserts - pop up to The Duck when you’re feeling peckish to find out what’s available.

A group of students are currently running a Live Project to implement an express shuttle bus to Coventry rail station, and have produced a survey to assess the demand for this service. Click on the link above to give them your thoughts!

The University’s International Office are running a series of coach trips throughout the term which are available to both home and international students – visit the page linked above for full details.

Want to learn to ride or improve your skills? Bit chilly outside? Join one of Coventry City Council’s free indoor courses for beginners – there’s another session running this Saturday (25th January).

Warwick Sport have announced a new programme of Les Mills classes in a range of different disciplines – visit the link above to see the schedule.

An opportunity to have your say and help Warwick Sport improve their offers for the future. All completed questionnaires get entered into our prize draw to win one of three £50 Warwick Sport Vouchers or one of ten Class or Gym Vouchers!

Warwick Active's Intramural Leagues are the perfect way to get some friends together, keep active, stay social and have fun. Designed for any level of ability and competiveness, make sure you get involved by either joining your Hall, Society or Department Teams or just grabbing a few of your mates for a bit of fun on the pitch, court or field!

The Book Sale function is now available on the SU website, allowing you to buy or sell new and used textbooks all year round - visit to get started!

This Week

Latin Night! - Monday - 8pm - Copper Rooms 2

UNPLUCKED - Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 7pm - Copper Rooms

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE - Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GLOBAL - Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ - Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED - Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

miTUNES - Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

DROP feat. Rob Amboule (20:20 Vision) - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 2

The Bubble sponsored by Grant Thornton - 13-14 Term 2, Week 3 edition out now.

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