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Postgraduate Update from
Warwick SU
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Warwick SU
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Hi everyone,

To all new postgraduate students at Warwick - welcome to the Students' Union! I hope you are settling in okay and getting ready for/are excited for the start of the new year. I am the newly-elected Postgraduate Sabbatical Officer at the SU and it is my job to represent all Warwick postgraduate students, both on academic levels at the University and in the SU. This year you can look forward to a range of regular postgrad social events – watch this space!

There will be a special welcome event for Postgrads taking place in the Terrace Bar (Floor 1 of the Students' Union, overlooking the Piazza) on Wednesday Week 1 (3rd October) at 5pm. Come along and meet fellow postgrads over a drink and some nibbles!

Postgraduate Association

The Postgraduate Association is a new and exciting representative body designed to represent all postgraduate needs. It will be made up of 4 Faculty Representatives, the Postgraduate Officer, a social secretary and a PGR representative. We are currently looking for students to run for these positions. It is a great way to get involved with the Students' Union and looks great on your CV, so why not run? Nominate yourself at

Autumn Elections

Are you unhappy with the way in which your course is run or administered? Are you prepared to raise the concerns of fellow postgraduates to the University? This is your opportunity to do just that. Each Faculty has an elected Postgraduate representative who sits on various committees within the University and is able to influence the decision-making process. This post also extends to the Students' Union as it entitles you to a seat on the Student Council. So, if you feel that postgraduates are underrepresented in the Union, this is your opportunity to work together with the other PG councillors and implement change. Elections are in Week 3 and nominations are open now! Go to for more info and to nominate yourself. There are also regular PG seats on Council up for grabs too!


Our 230 different societies are all gearing up for Societies Fair, happening in Week 1! Come down to the Copper Rooms from 10am–4pm on Wednesday to check out our media, gaming, performance and music societies, Thursday for all charity, campaigning and academic societies as well as our own Democracy team, and Friday for our cultural and religious or belief societies!


To re-live your sporting undergrad years or take up something new, you can find our 73 sports clubs and 6 Intra-Mural Leagues at the Sports Fair on October 2nd from 10.30-5.30pm. Alternatively, check out for more details.


Want to represent your course? Want to discuss educational issues and concerns with academics from your department? Then think about standing as an academic rep in your Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC). There will be elections in one of your lectures or online, so keep an eye out and get involved!

Student Advice Centre

The Students' Union has a free and confidential Advice Centre available for all students. If you have a problem with housing, personal health, your course, money or anything else, please do get in touch via or There is also going to be the first-ever Campaigns Convention this term – make sure you come along on Saturday Week 2 in Copper Rooms 2 between 1-4pm if you want to get involved in campaigning here this year!

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