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your Students' Union.
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Hello to all medics and welcome to Warwick from your Students' Union.

We are an independent charitable organisation which exists to represent, entertain and support students whilst studying at the University of Warwick. A democratic organisation run by students for students, we are directed by you our members. See below for details on how to elect your representative now.

In this email you'll find loads of useful links – whether you want to buy event tickets, find us on Facebook or learn more about the Union and its various clubs & societies, get clicking!

NOW is your opportunity to elect your MEDICAL FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE

Polling is open until Thursday at 9.00pm online at

Polls are now open for you to vote for your Medical Faculty Representative. In order for this election to be upheld we must achieve quorum, a minimum number of votes for the election to be validated. So if you want the best representation on how your degree is run, for you and the benefit of all medical students


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