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Week 6 Update from Warwick SU. Having trouble viewing this email?
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Following on from their dedicated courses during the first half of term, the NHS will be running a series of drop-in sessions throughout Weeks 5-6 specialising in Anxiety, Low Mood and Exam Stress-Management. These are free sessions which everyone's welcome to come along to – they take place tuesdays from 1:30pm and you can sign up for a session online.

Week 6 is your last chance to update and agree the information on activities you have taken as a member of Warwick SU – for example, society exec roles and part-time officer positions. On 12pm on Sunday 2nd June, Warwick SU will be finalising this data, before sending it across to the University for this year’s Higher Education Achievement Reports (HEAR). This is a large portfolio which will include all aspects of your academic experience whilst at Warwick, from your module marks to your society and sports club roles. So check your data now!

The University are running a local produce and street food market on the Piazza this Wednesday (29th May) between 10am-3pm – pop down to buy a wide range of locally-sourced fresh food!.

This Saturday, the SU's acclaimed alternative night, Crash, will be counting down the 40 most rocking tunes from this year's events – as voted for by YOU! All you need to do is head to Facebook, pick your FIVE favourite tracks from the shortlist on the 'About' tab and post them as a comment on our timeline. We'll tally up the votes and count down the chart in its entirety this Saturday!

Slightly later than advertised, but still lip-smackingly delicious - head up to Xananas this week to check out our series of fresh and tasty vegetarian specials!

Don't miss out on weekly specials in the Bread Oven all this term - this week, pick up a scrumptious Tandoori Marinated Chicken with Mint Yoghurt baguette for £3.20!

Essay/exam/dissertation season is fully upon us, and we are here to help! The Students' Union offers independent academic advice on examinations, academic appeals, complaints, supervision etc. If you need advice on anything academic-related, please do get in touch with us! We are located on the top floor of SUHQ - give us a ring on 024 765 72824 or drop us an e-mail via

Warwick Lifestyle are launching PINK MONDAY on 3rd June (Week 7). Every penny from your class ticket purchases will go directly to Breast Cancer Research as our class instructors are teaching for free on this day to support this cause.

In addition to Warwick Lifestyle’s regular classes, including Core Attack, Body Attack, Thai Boxing, GRIT, Zumba and Boxacise, one of our instructors are taking a 2 hour VIBE MASTER SPIN CLASS 18:30-20:30! As usual, tickets are available on the day from 7:15am at the Sports Centre.

This Week

IDIOTEQUE - Tuesday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

SATURDAY SESSION Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CRASH The Top 40 2013 - Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

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