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The results are in! Check out the breakdown by motion here. Thanks to all those that voted in the meeting, the next one will take place in November.

Following on from their dedicated courses during the first half of term, the NHS will be running a series of drop-in sessions throughout Weeks 5-6 specialising in Anxiety, Low Mood and Exam Stress-Management. These are free sessions which everyone's welcome to come along to – they take place tomorrow from 1:30pm and you can sign up for a session online.

The University is currently running a survey about the possibility of a bike hire scheme on campus. If you'd like to give your views, please complete the online survey before Friday 24 May.

They're fresh, they're good for you... and they're absolutely delicious. Head up to Xananas this week to check out our series of lip-smacking vegetarian specials!

Curiositea's Jewellery Making Workshop returns tonight for the first of two sessions this week, offering you the chance to design and customise your own Pandora-style bracelet.

Don't miss out on weekly specials in the Bread Oven all this term - This week pick up a tasty Sweet Chilli Steak Saland for £3.45.

Society Awards 2013 - limited tickets still available! Don't miss out on one of the most glamorous events of the year as we honour your achievements with an evening of dinner, dancing and entertainment! Tickets cost just £20 for Socs Fed members and £25 for non-members.

This is a desperate call for help! A team working with Chemistry and Engineering departments at Warwick are in the final stages of developing a novel bed to combat pressure sores. They need volunteers on Friday 21st June from 11am to give less than 10 minutes of their time in a swimsuit, and all body shapes, genders and ethnicities are required. For more details, text 'YES' to 07968 871 977.

This Week

UN-PLUCKED - Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

MITUNES Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

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