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Monday night was the final All Student Meeting of the year and several key new policy proposals were made, including an addition to the boycott list. Voting is now open and will close on midday Friday – you can watch all the debates again and continue the debate online on the voting page. Don't let decisions be made on your behalf – vote in the All Student Meeting!

Week 4's Feel Good Factor is Revision! Take a look at our website for some handy tips on revision and exams.

The SU Barbeque returns from Monday Week 5! Get your grill on in the Piazza - available at weekday lunchtimes whenever the sun shines!

Society Awards 2013 - limited tickets still available! Don't miss out on one of the most glamorous events of the year as we honour your achievements with an evening of dinner, dancing and entertainment! Tickets cost just £20 for Socs Fed members and £25 for non-members.

This Week

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

MIXOLOGY Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

SATURDAY SESSION - Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

What's On | Buy Tickets | Blogs | Jobs | Contact Us | On Facebook | On Twitter

Dear All Students,

Here at Goldcross Cargo we offer very cheap cargo rates to worldwide destinations with back to back and consolidation Shipments. We supply a full range of packing material at very low cost, and provide free collection every Saturday from Warwick University accommodation. You can also drop off your shipments at our Birmingham or London office.

To find out more, please contact us on 020 8090 4848 or 0121 6616564 or visit our website at

Thanks & Regards
Atif Sohail
Goldcross Cargo