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Warwick SU's Feel Good Campaign runs annually to help us around exam times when there are particularly heavy workloads.

Our Feel Good Factor #1 is 'Good Mental Health'. As part of this, the NHS's IAPT team are coming back to run another 4 week workshop on managing stress, anxiety and low mood. This is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy lecture series that explores techniques on how to deal with an manage any difficulties – it is not group therapy and you would not be required to share any personal details.

The course runs from 1.30pm in SUHQ on Tuesdays.

There are still a few places left for the course - sign up here, or for more details contact Welfare Officer Ben Sundell at

From Week 5 onwards, this slot will be available for adhoc drop in sessions, if you want to speak with one of the NHS team on a one to one basis – contact Ben for more details.

If you entered books into the SU Book Sale that happened in Term 1, and still haven't collected your proceeds or unsold books, there is one final opportunity to do this. This will be on 24 April, Wednesday of Week 1, 11am-3pm, in the Mighty Duck (Dirty Duck Pub). Please don't forget to bring your sellers form. If for any reason you cannot attend this, please arrange for someone else to collect on your behalf by contacting

Warwick Active Sports Courses

Have a break from exam stress, try something new, get active and increase your confidence through Warwick Actives' Sports Courses! Our courses cater to your needs whether you are a complete beginner, fancy brushing up your skills or just learning a new sport.

Courses run in line with each term and take place across 4-9 weeks with most sessions on a weekly basis. Increase your independence with our female self defence classes, get fit with our bi-weekly boot camp (don't worry it's indoors), learn to swim, sail or windsurf, play squash, racketball, tennis or golf with our highly experienced and friendly instructors!

For more information and booking details visit our sports course page.

Warwick Active E&Y Intra-mural Leagues

Warwick's E&Y Leagues are the perfect way to get some mates/colleagues together, keep active, stay social and have some fun! Designed for any level of ability and competiveness make sure you get involved by either joining your Hall or Department Teams or just grabbing some of your mates for a bit of fun on a sports pitch.

Term 3 offers you Football, Floorball, Rush Hockey (5aside), Rounders, Cricket, Touch Rugby, Lacrosse and Cricket.

For more information and booking details visit our Leagues page.

Registration is open for the 2013 Warwick Alumni day on Saturday 18th May. The theme of this year's event is 'Happiness', and speakers include award-winning Financial Times columnist Tim Harford, Professor Andrew Oswald (Economics)and Michelle Hawkins, Head of Happiness at The Flying Dodo. Performing on the day will be MOBO-winning singer Rachel Kerr, OperaWarwick and more! This event is free, and all students are welcome – to book your place, visit

The NUS has been awarded £5million from HEFCE for a student green fund! Student Unions can bid for up to £150k a year for 2 years for sustainability projects. The four key themes of the Fund will be student participation, partnership (with institution), impact and legacy. The NUS will encourage and support individual students' unions to develop and submit high quality project proposals that are fundable.

NUS have suggested projects should be around sustainability, institutional issues and engagement. Potential projects include:

  • Student switch off campaign
  • Bike hire scheme
  • Solar panels on student homes
  • Community enterprise project
  • Student eats
  • Green dragons den – social enterprise type project

If you have any potential ideas or want to know more, contact Anna Chowcat!

Warwick and Monash University in Australia are committed to a strategic partnership that operates across all areas of university activity. The Monash-Warwick Alliance aims to transform the way research-led institutions address global challenges.

Come along to one of the University’s bite-sized briefings led by Professor Andrew Coats, the Monash-Warwick Alliance Joint Academic Vice-President on Thursday 25 April 2013, 12.30-1.30pm, R1.15 - Ramphal Building – sign up here!

The International Office is looking for 70 enthusiastic, dedicated and friendly volunteers to help during the four-day Orientation programme which welcomes over 1000 new international students to campus in September (24th-27th). All current students who will be enrolled next academic year are welcome to apply, both home and international! Volunteers will be given free campus accommodation (from 24th-26th), breakfast and dinner during the programme. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 1st May, 4pm. For further information and to apply online go to the Orientation website.

This Week

UNPLUCKED Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

POP! - Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

INDOOR MARKET Friday - 11am - Atrium

GET FUNKED Friday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

FLASHBACK - Friday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

CRASH - Saturday - 8pm - Copper Rooms

MITUNES - Saturday - 10pm - Terrace Bar

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