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Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
Week 5 Update
From Warwick SU
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The Warwick Graduate School and Student Careers and Skills will be running a series of three, one day-long events exploring the realities of a career in academia. Each day will be tailored to a specific faculty, in order to allow a focus on issues of greatest relevance. There will be sessions exploring topics such as teaching, research and governance, as well as a look at the alternative non-academic career route of working within university administration. Colleagues from both academic and administrative departments will be leading the sessions and will be on hand throughout the day to answer questions. The day will conclude with a panel discussion and Q&A.

The dates for the events are as follows:

The day will run from 10am – 4pm, with coffee served from 9.45am. Lunch will be provided for registered participants. Spaces for these events are limited – please sign up using the Student Careers & Skills 'My Advantage' system via the links above. For more information, including a schedule, please visit the Graduate School website.

Thank you to all those who voted in the first All Student Meeting. The results for the four motions and five Boycotts are now in. 236 votes were needed to reach quorum and for the outcome to stand. Well over 1,000 students voted and had their say which is great news for representation. Click here to view the results.

In 3 weeks Varsity will commence… 1 title, 2 headline events, 13 days, 50+ fixtures, 1000+ competitors and 6000+ spectators! Tickets to the Ice Hockey, Rugby and the Official After Party are selling fast so make sure you buy yours to support Team Warwick before it’s too late! There are also £5000 worth of Nandos meal vouchers to be won so join the official Varsity facebook event for all the latest information.

If last week's episode of Union politics interested you, do not fret, there is much more in the pipeline! Officer Elections 2013 is THE big event in the Democratic timeline. The candidates elected in this election will become the seven Sabbatical Officers that run your Students' Union for the following academic year. Elected on a democratic mandate, these officers will spend every day on the job ensuring they fulfil their pledges to the electorate and getting the best for Students out of your SU. Any student can run – nominations open this Friday. Nominations close on Friday of Week 6, so you've got just under two weeks to decide if running the Union is for you. It's an amazing experience and a huge honour to represent the Students of Warwick, as well as a huge CV boost! Go to for more information and to check out the positions up for grabs. Alternatively, your Democracy and Development Officer is always at hand to provide information and answer questions to prospective candidates. You can email him at or come by his office on the Second Floor of SUHQ.

Gym Opening - The new Lifestyle Gym is almost ready and will reopen on 12th February as soon as our gym staff are fully training on the new equipment. Here is a 3D video of the next gym - and details of inductions will be available online later this week.

Pizazz - Our incredible dance clubs and societies, including CMD, EQHO, Breakdance and Salsa, will be performing one hell of a dance spectacular on Sunday 10th Feb at 3pm and 7.30pm, definitely check this event out!

Top 5 Society Events - There are plenty more society events going on this week even if One World Week has come to a close!

  1. Radio Warwick (RaW)'s Ma'RaW'thon outside broadcast from the piazza for five days and nights straight, raising money for the Coventry Cyrenians
  2. Dance societies' ever-famous Pizazz – the dance spectacular – taking place on Sunday at 3pm and 7.30pm in the Royal Spa Centre, Leamington (tickets £6 for students)
  3. Freshblood present Freshfest: seven student-written plays happening all over campus, all week
  4. The Chinese Society present their New Year Gala in the Butterworth Hall on Friday at 7.30pm (tickets from £10)
  5. St John’s Ambulance are hosting a talk from the Teenage Cancer Trust on Tuesday at 7pm in SUHQ!

On Tuesday Week 6 there will be a free and confidential GUM Clinic from 12-6 in the SU. No appointment necessary. For more information please email

Week 5 sees the launch of the annual National Student Survey. All final year students, with some exceptions, are invited to fill in the 23 question survey, which gives you the opportunity to review your experience at Warwick. It's anonymous, so don’t worry about being honest about your time at Warwick, but it's also really useful for encouraging reform and improvements across campus, as it lets both the University and Union know if something is going right or wrong. You can fill the survey in at and you can find some more information on the University website. You have a few weeks to fill it in, but the sooner you do, the sooner Ipsos-Mori stops pestering you!

Next week on Thursday 14th to Saturday 16th Feb, we see the return of the annual Real Ale and Cider Festival to campus. This three day event is a great chance to experience the best which British culture and heritage has to offer, all in the comfort of the Copper Rooms in the Student's Union.

Come along with your colleagues to sample a few of the 120 beers from every corner of the UK, ranging from strong dark and potent beers to lighter, more continental types of brew. If you're a cider fan, we have some great drinks from the best producers in the UK, and we see the return of the infamous mead and fruit wines. You'll also be able to soak up all of that lovely beer with an equally lovely, traditional pie!

The event is open 6pm 'til late on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and will cost £3.50 for entry (free for CAMRA on Sat), but arrive early as it is a popular event and will fill up quickly. Entertainment will be provided in the form of the unmissable Dr. Busker and The Big Band. Check out for for more details and we hope to see you for a pint or several.

Tell us what you think about a new mobile phone app for the chance to win £100

Brainbox Research would like to find out what you think about alcohol, driving and a new mobile phone app.

We would like to hear from students who have a full driving licence. You can win £100.

Please follow this link to find out more and take part.

Thank you for your help with this research,

The team at Brainbox Research
(any questions? contact us on 0113 238 0157 or at

This Week

BATTLE OF THE BANDS Heat 2 - Tuesday - 8pm - Copper Roomsk

UNPLUCKED Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

POP! Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1

QUACKSTAR KARAOKE Wednesday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

GLOBAL Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

INDOOR MARKET Friday - 11am - Atrium

GET FUNKED Friday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

SATURDAY SESSION Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

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Credit Suisse are running the exciting HEAD2HEAD 2013 Challenge from 28 January 2013 – 08 February 2013.

We will be visiting Warwick Campus on 8, February 2013 in the Atrium from 11:00-16:.00 so come on down to get a giveaway and play the game on our bespoke Credit Suisse Arcade Machines.

Think Fast! Test your wits against the clock in a series of fun mental challenges.

Winners can win one of the following fantastic prizes:

  • iPad Mini – wifi 64GB
  • iPad – wifi 32GB
  • £400 Amazon voucher

Play as many times as you like!

Complete the game in 35 seconds or under to register your score for the random prize draw at

Only one score will be counted and entered into the free prize draw.