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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Week Six update
from Warwick SU
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On the 21st November, students from across the UK will be marching through the streets of London.

The demonstration comes after years of turbulence in higher education and across society. We have seen increases in fees to £9,000 for home/EU students, an 18% increase at Warwick for international students and the attempted deportation of 2,000 international students by UKBA causing irreparable damage to the UK University sector.

We have seen an attempted introduction of fees in Further Education, the scrapping of EMA, a botched White Paper on Higher Education and we still find no solution to the postgraduate funding crisis, with graduate study slowly becoming the new private education system in which education is based on wealth and not on ability.

At home we see Warwick failing on widening participation, in which unambitious targets do nothing to include young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in the Warwick experience. Tonight, 10,000 people across Coventry can only eat because of food banks, and young people a mile north of campus can’t even find a job, let alone dream of a university education.

Standing up against all this, promoting an alternative, and making sure the student voice is heard at a national level is vitally important.

Simply there is a lot to be marching for.

Warwick will be joining students from across the UK, and Warwick SU is sending coaches down. Tickets are £7 each, and can be bought at

Please spread the word, and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. Any questions, please direct to

The Learning Grid Leamington opened today, providing students living in Leamington a Warwick University space to study or undertake group work, without the need to travel to campus and free from the distractions of studying at home.

This is the first space of its kind, so make sure you visit Leamington’s Town Hall and experience it for yourself.

For more information, see the University's Insite page. .

Last chance to get your Warwick International Development Summit (WIDS) tickets! WIDS, the largest student-run international development event at Warwick, is happening in ten days’ time. Excellent speakers are visiting Warwick from across the globe – it is an absolute highlight of the year! All weekend tickets are priced at £12 and include all talks throughout the summit, a welcome pack, the Friday evening wine reception, a pre-lunch networking session with the speakers with light snacks as well as refreshments throughout the summit weekend. Purchase them online now.

This Week

UNPLUCKED Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck

US ELECTIONS SCREENING Tuesday - 11pm - Atrium

IDIOTEQUE Wednesday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

POP! Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1

MIXOLOGY Thursday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

CLEVERDUCKS PUB QUIZ Thursday - 10pm - Dirty Duck

INDOOR MARKET Friday - 11m - Atrium

TDI FRIDAY Friday - 7pm - Dirty Duck

GET FUNKED Friday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

BIERKELLER feat. The Bavarian Stompers Friday - 10pm - Copper Rooms

CRASH Saturday - 8pm - Copper Rooms

MITUNES Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar

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