Want to do something sustainable to help a cause in the local community? Interested in running a business project that serves a social purpose? Fancy boosting your CV along the way?! Come along to our Social Enterprise Launch Event tonight (Monday 15th October) at 6pm in the Copper Rooms for more information on how to get involved – there will be social entrepreneurs providing talks to give you some food for thought! Register first at warwicksu.com/socialenterprise and check out what could be your greatest extra-curricular achievement of your time at Warwick!
Are you ready to inspire the next generation of University students? Applications are now open for our Inspire scheme, in which we take students to visit disadvantaged comprehensive schools in the West Midlands area with the aim of raising their aspirations and educating them about University life! Anyone can apply and the closing date for applications will be Monday Week 4 (22nd October). Head to warwick.su.com/inspire for more details on how to apply!
In case you haven’t seen the obscene orange posters and adverts around campus and online, it’s currently Autumn Elections period. That means it’s your chance to elect the best candidates to represent yourselves as first years on Student Council. Student Council is one of the decision-making bodies within the Union and it is therefore in your interest that the best guys and gals get the job! 29 first years have run and there are 5 positions up for grabs. Candidates and their manifestos can be viewed at warwicksu.com/elections - voting takes place here too! Fulfil your civic duties and vote – it only takes a minute and you’ll feel warm and fuzzy inside once you have!
Thousands of you came to Societies Fair in Week 1! Societies have 24,000 new memberships – more than ever before! There’s loads going on this week but above all, look out for Oxfam Outreach Society who are putting on a string of awesome fundraising events in the Union, as well as Jailbreak who are holding their first info meeting on Thursday 18th October at 6pm in R0.21. Jailbreak has raised in the region of £40k for charity in past years, so be a part of it and have fun gallivanting across Europe! If you fancy something a little more challenging find out about how to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with Warwick RAG on the very same day at 6pm in SUHQ.
Hall Society Elections
Campus dweller? Vote for your Hall President this week (or stand to be one!) – check out warwicksu.com/elections/societies for more info! To vote, you must be a member of your Hall Society – join up for free at warwicksu.com/societies/all/halls!
Are you an international student? Do you want to have your say on how the University should be treating you? Well then, join the International Students Association! It aims to bring international students together to discuss issues facing them while studying at University in the UK. It will meet 5 times a year to discuss issues including integration, fees, accommodation, visas, finding work, and so on. A free welcome buffet is happening on Thursday from 7.30pm – 9pm in The Terrace Bar - drinks tokens will be provided, as well as guest speaker - Daniel Stevens! Daniel is the International Officer from the NUS and former President of Warwick Students’ Union. He is Brazilian, studied at undergraduate and postgraduate level at Warwick, and has recently been challenging the UK Border Agency on their decision to deport students from London Metropolitan University – and he won! At the buffet there is also the chance to elect three members to Student Council – one from the EU, one from outside the EU, and any other international student. It will be a lot of fun and a great warm up for Global – the ever-popular international night run by World@Warwick! If you want to have your say on the international experience at Warwick, come along!
Sports Leagues & Course
Fancy trying something new to get active? Our Netball EY Intra-Mural League starts soon with a taster session at 11am on Saturday 20th at the Lakeside Courts if you want to give it a go before signing up! For more information on any of the EY leagues check out the Warwick Sport Website. Our sports courses are also starting, this term these include Golf, Squash, Climbing, Tennis, Swimming and Boot Camp.
Warwick Activators
On Thursday 25th October at 6pm there is a recruitment evening if you are interested in becoming a Warwick Activator to encourage students to get involved in exercise and sport. There is also a BBQ as an incentive! All the details can be found on the facebook group.
Finally, this Wednesday all our BUCS Sports Clubs will be competing in their first matches of the season so follow their result tweets through @WarwickSport.
Crime Survey
This week we are giving you the chance to win an iPad! As part of Warwick SU’s work with Warwick Accommodation, we are looking to help raise awareness of crime in the local area, and help you know how best to keep your belongings and households safe. All you have to do is fill in this quick, easy, and informative survey in order to learn more about crime, and to be entered into the draw to win! You can answer it online, or on the touchscreens outside the Bread Oven at lunchtimes this week!
Love Community: Meet Your Neighbours…and win a week’s shopping!
This year Warwick SU are launching a new initiative because we want to be proactive at building good relationships with our neighbours. That’s why we have started the ‘Love Community’ campaign. We have already created the moving in guide, will encompass the Leave Leam Tidy and Keep Cov Clean initiatives, and is looking to set up joint community action projects in collaboration with local residents.
Another part of Love Community is the ‘Meet Your Neighbours’ idea. Now that everyone has settled in, we’d love if we can take the lead in building positive friendships with those who live around us. All you have to do, for the opportunity to win a £50 shopping voucher is get a picture with your housemates and your neighbours and send it in to welfare@warwicksu.com. Obviously, we ask you to be careful when going around to new people’s houses, and also to check that they are ok with you sending a photograph in. There are 2 vouchers available – one will be a draw for entering, and the other will go to the best picture! Have fun!
This Week
UNPLUCKED Tuesday - 9:30pm - Dirty Duck
POP! Wednesday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1
VIVA LA FIESTA Thursday - 10pm - Copper Rooms 1
INDOOR MARKET Friday - 10am - Atrium - Featuring cycle repair while you wait and free bike check-ups
GET FUNKED Friday - 9pm - Terrace Bar
PRESSURE and UKF present SUB FOCUS, DRUMSOUND B-S Friday - 10pm - Copper Rooms
SATURDAY SESSION Saturday - 9pm - Terrace Bar
SKOOL DAYZ ***SOLD OUT*** Saturday - 10pm - Copper Rooms