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Week Nine update
from Warwick SU
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Hello everyone!

Summer Events

As the weather struggles to work out what it's doing, and you’re either counting down the days to that last exam or already celebrating, at the Union we are busy making sure your end of year events are as good as possible!

With the Grad Ball, Sports Ball and Summer Party at the end of this week, remember to pick up your tickets from SUHQ reception and get ready for some events that you will never forget. Tickets for the Summer Party are still available online, and we'll be sending more information about the events to attendees later in the week, to make sure you don't miss out on any of the entertainment on offer.

General Meeting – Friday 29th June

A general meeting has been called for Friday of week 10. It should be a short one, as the main purpose is to alter the "Mems and Arts" of the Union following the Democracy Review process that we've been working on for 2 years now – legally, we HAVE to take this item to a full general meeting! Please do make the effort to come along, as it's really important and, if passed, will fundamentally alter the way democracy works in the Union and how you have your voice heard. If you can't make the meeting, then please consider sending your vote by proxy with someone who is attending – more information on what this means and how to do this is on our website.

Read on for more information about what’s going on for the next week, and join us in praying for some belting weather to see the year out!

George, Leo, Matt, Izzy, Sean, Chris x2

Community Relations in Leamington

You may have heard recently about tensions that residents in Leamington have with students. Izzy has written a great blog post about the issue, so give it a quick read

Warwick Fused – Symphonic Fusion Spectacular

If Sports Ball isn't your thing, then why not head down to this music spectacular organised by Warwick Music Centre at the Arts Centre.

Leave Leam Tidy/Keep Cov Clean

Izzy has been really busy recently, and has also produced some moving out advice and guidance for students coming to the end of their tenancies. Give it a read and make sure you don’t get fined or end up in any hassle as you leave the area for the summer.

Freshers Helpers

Do you want to get involved in the busiest and most exciting time of year here at the SU? If so, sign up to become a Freshers Helper!

Nominate an Outstanding Student

Nominations are now open for a new award to recognise student achievement (outside of academic studies). The panel are looking for final year students (Bachelors, Masters or Postgrad) who have made an outstanding contribution to the University or the local community. The winner will receive a medal and a cash prize, to be awarded at a Degree Congregation ceremony or dinner.


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck


Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms


Thursday, 7pm, Birmingham Hilton Metropole


Pirate Party, Friday, 7pm, Dirty Duck


Friday, 7pm, Birmingham Hilton Metropole


Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar


Friday, 10pm, Copper Rooms


Saturday, 9pm, Terrace Bar


Sunday, Midday, University House Field

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