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Week three update
from Warwick SU
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Happy week four everyone – hope you all had an excellent weekend and got to enjoy the sunshine!

There's quite a bit of stuff going on this week – first off, we're still working on our "Hungry for Feedback" campaign – and we need your help! We’ve produced some tips on how to get good feedback, but we also need you to sign our petition and give your thoughts on how your feedback could be improved. Only takes a minute to do so please get involved and spread the word!

In thoroughly exciting news, this week is the launch of the Bread Oven Baguette Delivery Service! If you don't want to lose your spot in the library but can't stomach the thought of missing out on a decent lunch, simply order your baguette online and we'll deliver it to you outside the library between 12-12:20pm. It's quite literally the best thing since sliced bread.

Our annual well-being campaign, Feel Good, is back, complete with a shiny new webpage, your one-stop shop for all your welfare and advice needs! Check it out – there's loads of resources and helpful tips to keep you happy and healthy this term. Plus Warwick Meditation and Yoga club are kindly running free meditation sessions this term to help you relax (for more information email or add Warwick Meditation on Facebook).

As always, your sabbs are here for you – we always love to hear your feedback (good or bad!), to answer your questions and address your concerns. So check out our blogs to keep an eye on what we're up to, drop in for a chat or send us an email.

Have an excellent week!

Izzy, Chris L, Sean, Leo, Chris S, George and Matt


Warwick Pride have lots of stuff lined up for the International Day against homo/bi/trans phobia this Thursday and Friday – get involved!

CRASH Top 40

Take a look at our shortlist and vote for your favourites. We'll play the best as selected by you on the 2nd June.

Treat Yourself Tuesday

Why not treat yourself to an extra special selection of cakes every Tuesday in Curiositea.

Jobs at Warwick SU

We're currently advertising for a number of posts, including bar staff at the Summer Party and a Customer Support co-ordinator for our IT company MSL. Take a look at what's available on our jobs page.


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck


Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms

Cleverducks Pub Quiz

Thursday, 10pm, Dirty Duck

TDI Friday

Star Wars Party, Friday, 7pm, Dirty Duck

Get Funked

Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar


Saturday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

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