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Week two update
from Warwick SU
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Elections fever strikes again!

Following our announcement last term, we’re having to run another election for the position of Welfare and Campaigns Officer this week. We appreciate it’s a busy week of essays, revision and coursework but please take the time to vote – if we don’t achieve our quorum figure we may have to do this all over again (again…).

Manifestos for all the candidates and details of the Candidate Debate are all available here. Voting is open NOW and closes Friday 9pm – your Union needs you!

Exams: Who to contact if things go wrong

Don't panic - things don't often go wrong but read Sean's tips for if you have any issues.

Managing Exam Anxiety

The University Counselling service are running some workshops to help you deal with the stress of exams.

Looking for part-time work?

Still at Warwick next year? Check out our new job adverts.

Hungry for Feedback?

As part of a joint Union and University campaign about feedback on assessments, we have produced a range of resources to help you make the most of your feedback. The top 10 tips list is available on the Union website and on flyers around campus, there is a video of a role play from the University of Leicester available on the IATL section of the University website but we still want to help you more. We need to know what you think is good and what you would like to see improved when it comes to feedback. As it is a joint campaign and a University priority, you can guarantee your thoughts will be seen and acted upon.


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck


Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms

TDI Friday

Tartan Party, Friday, 7pm, The Dirty Duck

Get Funked

Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

Top Banana

Friday, 10pm, Copper Rooms


Saturday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

Skool Dayz

Saturday, 10pm , Copper Rooms

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Digital Signage Pilot: Give your feedback

A pilot scheme to showcase Warwick's activities and successes via digital screens across campus has launched. View screens in University House atrium, IT Services and Chemistry and give your feedback online to help us define the rollout programme.