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Week ten update
from Warwick SU
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So here we are. Week 10, term 3. Seems surreal somehow doesn't it? Whatever year you're in you will no doubt be feeling some kind of mixture of emotion at this stage. Whether it's about the inevitable goodbyes, the thought of going abroad next year, the idea of leaving Warwick altogether, admitting that there was so much more than you wanted to do this year, or indeed whether it is coming to terms with the fact that one year at university goes by in the blink of an eye. Think back across the course of the year and dwell on the positives, the people you’ve met, your favourite academics, nights out in the Union, society and sports club events you took part in, and remember that there is no singular right way to get the most out of your time at university.

This year we have seen substantial changes in higher education across the country, and have often challenged the way the University has proposed to react, all in the name of fair access to university and high quality of delivery of your academic experience. We've strived to improve the Union according to your feedback, and have done our best to reconnect with students over the course of the year. Remember that although it's the end for us, the new officers coming in will be here for you, to listen, and to make the changes that you want to see.

This final week, of course, will be filled with exciting stuff to get your minds off results, revision, and exams with both sports week activities and the Warwick Student Arts Festival- along of course with the last General Meeting of the year, at which we will be discussing the future of Union democracy. Don't worry, if you can't turn up, you can send in your vote online.

Stay in touch, and if you're staying around remember that this is your Union and this is your campus to change for the better, something we as sabbatical officers have committed to doing this year with your help and your ideas. Congratulations on getting through this year!

So, one last time it's goodbye from us, wishing you all the very best for the future.

The Warwick SU Sabbatical Officer Team 2011/2012
Leo, Sean, Chris Luck, Chris Sury, George Whitworth, Izzy, and Matt

PS: we're sticking around until the end of July!

General Meeting

One last General Meeting of the year, this Friday at 13:00 in the Copper Rooms. The only item on the agenda will be about final changes to the Union's democratic structure. For more information, read Chris Luck's blogs about it here and here. If you can't turn up, feel free to submit your vote in absence.

Warwick Student Arts Festival

It's that time of year again when campus really comes alive with a great artistic vibe, with students showing off your skills and talent in the arts! So much going on until Wednesday night. Check it out!

Sports Week

Your chance to try out some casual sport and end the year on a healthy note! A few events this week include a tennis taster session and Club Cardio, the hottest workout on campus. Don't forget to like Warwick Sport on Facebook for more infromation.

Green Internships

Haven't figured out what you're doing over summer? Warwick is running an environmentally-focused student training and internship, Green Steps. Application deadline is 3 July at 5pm.


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck

Cupcake Decorating Class

Wednesday, 4pm, Curiositea


Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms

Outdoor Film Screening

How To Train Your Dragon, Wednesday, 10pm, Tocil Field

Club Cardio

Workout Party, Thursday, 7pm, Copper Rooms

TDI Friday

Olympics Party, Friday, 7pm, Dirty Duck

Get Funked

Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

Top Banana

End of Term Foam Party, Friday, 10pm, Copper Rooms

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