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Week 9 update
from Warwick SU
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After all the excitement of the 2012 Officer Elections, your Sabbatical and Part-Time Officer Team has been elected with a turnout of 5583 votes - up more than 1000 votes from last year. Congratulations to the new team and thank you to everyone who voted!

Life isn't slowing down in the run-up to Easter: this week is International Women's Week, and our women's officer and her amazing team have put together an incredible line-up of events. If you're not sure what Women's Week is about or why it's necessary do make the time to come along.

In education news, the STARS awards are taking place this Thursday - the ceremony is free and is a great chance to thank the staff nominees for all their work so dust off your glad rags and come along. Nominations are also open for PGR students who teach through the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence so get nominating!

Finally if you want to blow off some post-essay steam with some epic music get yourself to the Wild Beasts on Sunday. The Wild Beasts stormed into the national consciousness in 2010 when Two Dancers was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize and have continued to grow - don't miss out.

Have an amazing week nine everyone,

Izzy, Chris L, Leo, Matt, Chris S, Sean, and George.

Varsity 2012

With the Varsity score currently at 12 Warwick, 14 Coventry, now is the time to get out there and support the sports teams as Varsity 2012 approaches the finale. Grab your tickets for this week's hockey matches and next week's football finale in the Ricoh Arena - it's going to be amazing! At the hockey you'll also have the chance to sign up to be a Blood Donor so don't miss out.

Vintage Fashion Fair

Come and grab yourself a retro bargain, this Saturday from midday at Curiositea.

Cupcake Creations

An advanced sugarcraft class in your favourite campus tea-shop. This Wednesday in Curiositea from 4pm.

Student Trustee Vacancies

Still at Warwick next year? Want to help steer the Union's strategic direction? Why not apply to be a student trustee?

RAG Quiz

Monday, 7:30pm, Mighty Duck

Battle of the Bands

Semi-Final, Tuesday, 8pm, CR2


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck


Go Commando, Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms


Thursday, 10pm, CR2

Get Funked

Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

Top Banana

Unleashed, Friday, 10pm, CR


Saturday, 9pm, Terrace Bar


Saturday, 10pm (Social from 8pm), CR2

Live Nation presents WILD BEASTS

Sunday, 7:30pm, CR1

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