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Officer Elections 2012
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Warwick SU
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Many of you will already be sick of the elections which have taken over campus but it's never been more important that you cast your vote and help decide who will lead your Union in 2012/13. If the candidates haven't done enough to persuade you then let me have a go:

Why vote?

  • Your Officers can make a big difference. Do you want to risk the development of your student experience to just anyone? The best way to get the change that you want to see is by electing people who represent your views.
  • The University recognises Warwick SU as the official voice of students – the more of you who vote, the bigger the mandate and the stronger the Union’s voice is for students.
  • Will it really make a difference? Who knows? However if you don't vote, it is guaranteed that you will not make a difference.

Check out the candidates' pledges and videos on their online manifestos and please do take the time to vote. Help us bust the 'student apathy' myth.

Voting closes Friday 9pm.

Chris Luck
Democracy Officer

Warwick SU
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