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Postgraduate Update
From Warwick SU
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Warwick SU
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Dear postgraduates, a few quick reminders from your union.

We'll be having another postgraduate focus group next Tuesday (6 March) at 5pm in Warwick SUHQ. If you need directions, feel free to email or call 024 7657 2777.

The purpose of these focus groups is for us as a union to find out more about your experiences, whether you're a postgraduate taught or research student, so we can more adequately and efficiently represent you to the university, and so that the service provisions within the union meet your needs and expectations.

Secondly, our food and beverage outlets will change opening times over the holiday. The weeks of 19 and 26 March opening hours will remain similar to term time, the weeks of 2 and 9 April will see much more limited opening hours, and the week of 16 April operations will resume similar to term time. Keep your eye on the website to find out more. A news article should be going up shortly!

Finally, for those of you who are often around campus, you may have noticed a number of colourful posters and cardboard signs due to it being elections week. This week Warwick students are voting for the seven full-time officers who will be directing Warwick SU, and representing your voices to the University from August this year. With the creation of a Postgraduate full-time Sabbatical Officer, it is crucial that you vote to decide particularly who will be engaging with postgraduates next year. For more information click here.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch by emailing or pop by my office anytime in Warwick SUHQ.

Leo Boe
Warwick SU President

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