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Warwick SU
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Dear Postgraduates,

A few updates from your Students' Union:

Understanding postgraduates and the postgraduate student experience (both taught and research) are high on Warwick Students' Union's agenda for this year. Although you may think that it is more relevant to undergraduates, we are looking to bust that myth and find out from you what you want out of your overall experience at Warwick. With this in mind we're calling on as many of you as possible to fill in our annual membership survey the Big 5 to let us know what we can do better to represent you during your time at Warwick. For more insight, the Union will be hosting a number of focus groups which will give us the opportunity to properly start the dialogue with postgraduates. Though the dates are fixed, the times are flexible - let us know if there is a better time for you to come along and we'll see what we can do.

We intend on discussing a variety of areas from your academic experience through to your social experience.

At Warwick SUHQ (opposite the Arts Centre) – ask at reception which room we will be using:

  • 5pm-6pm, Thursday 16 February
  • 5pm- 6pm, Friday 24 February (PhD/postgrad research only)
  • 5pm- 6pm, Tuesday 6 March

New PG Night in the Union

The first event will be held on Wednesday Week 7 (22 February) in the Terrace Bar (it will then be fortnightly). The night will be called "Relief" with relaxing jazz, blues, acoustic. For the first night we're planning to get a live jazz act. Shisha will also be available!

Officer Elections 2012

Warwick SU is run by seven full-time Officers elected during the annual Officer Elections. This year for the first time we have a Postgraduate Officer position available to help represent you more effectively – the post is available for any student to run for with a full job description on the elections website. All seven of the Sabbatical Officer positions are available to run for! Find out why it all matters and why you should run at

Your Sabbatical Team.

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