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Campaigning Update
from Warwick SU
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Hello all! We hope your holidays are going well and that you’re not working too hard.

Hopefully you will remember that in week 10 we ran a campaign called “Caged by Costs” to find out what you spend on hidden course costs – thank you to everyone who had their photo taken or filled out our receipts. We have collated the results and will be taking them to University Senior Management, and of course we will keep you updated on our progress. We hope that we can work with the University to lessen the burden of academic financial costs.

Now is the time to take the fight for student funding to the national level. The HE Bill has been shelved and the government has no clear plans as to how education is going to be funding. NUS have organised a lobby of parliament for April 18th which we’re going to – and you can help us put the pressure on MPs.

We have set up a letter template on the website – all you have to do is add your name and that of your local MP (you can write to both your home MP and your MP in your University constituency). Please take a minute to send a letter and hold them to account.

Remember: if we don’t ask, we’ll never get, and if we don’t fight, we’ll never win.

Izzy, Chris S, Sean, Leo, Chris L, George and Matt

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