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Week 10 update
from Warwick SU
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Hello Warwick Campus! Last week of term, hurray!

Week 10 is Varsity week and Team Warwick is in the lead with 22 points to 16 against our Coventry rivals. Coventry are 4 points up from where they were this time last year when the finished result was 38 – 32 to, well, Warwick. This year it is getting closer and we would really like to see Warwick out in full strength to support both the Ladies and Men’s Football Teams at the Olympic Stadium: The Ricoh Arena this Wednesday. Check the Facebook event and get your tickets at… We will all move to Varsity POP! afterwards for a celebration of victory. For the full schedule of matches this Wednesday, including Swimming, Ladies Basketball, Badminton and Rugby League please visit

Warwick SU is taking part in the week of action around Hidden Course Costs and HE funding announced by NUS. As part of our Pound in Your Pocket campaign, we'll be asking you to tell us how you have been "caged by costs" so we can lobby the University on these issues. For more information check out the campaign page and the video.

Warwick Sport is holding a wheelchair basketball event this Wednesday from 10 – 12 and is free for anyone to participate. It is being professionally coached by one of Coventry Crusader’s coaches and will be a great opportunity to get to play this fantastic sport. Check out the Facebook event and please get in touch with Chris Sury if you have any questions. There are two focus groups on Tuesday and Thursday about how the Union can improve our provision for disabled students. If you consider yourself to have a disability please come along and have a chat about what you think we can do! If you can't make it but want to have an input please email

Warwick Sport is currently undertaking a review of all aspects of Sport at Warwick including sports facilities and services, opportunities available and levels of current participation. In order for the services to improve we really need your feedback on everything including what future developments you would like to see on campus. Please take 5 mins of your time to fill out this survey.

Have a great final week and a very Happy Easter,

Izzy, Chris L, George, Leo, Matt, Sean and Chris S

Summer Events

Tickets for the Summer Party and Graduation Ball are now on sale!

WSAF 2012

Applications are open for student exhibition holders in Warwick Student Arts Festival.

Student Trustee Vacancies

Still at Warwick next year? Want to help steer the Union's strategic direction? Why not apply to be a student trustee?

Battle of the Bands

Grand Final, Tuesday, 8pm, CR1


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck


Varsity Special, Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms


Thursday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

End of Term Earphone Disco

Thursday, 10pm, CR1

Get Funked

Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

Top Banana

Paint Party, Friday, 10pm, CR

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