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Welcome back everyone, and happy 2012!

Hopefully you’ve all had lovely relaxing holidays, however you’ve spent them, and are now ready to get well and truly stuck into term 2. We’ve got lots of things coming up this week…

Firstly, on Wednesday it’s the SU’s annual housing day – the first of two this term. This is a really great chance for anyone who’s starting to think about housing for next academic year to come and get some valuable information and advice. It’s from 10-4 in the atrium so please pop along for a chat. For more information about housing, read through the advice on the Relax campaign webpage.

The Go Global fund is open again! This fund is for any student – individual or society – who are interested in making internationalisation at Warwick even bigger and better than it already is. Have a look at the webpage for more information and get applying for funding!

Finally, Opera Warwick are going to be singing in the new term in style with their innovative production of Hansel and Gretel, at Warwick Arts Centre from Thursday to Saturday. You really don’t want to miss it so get a group together and bag yourself some tickets pronto!

For more information about what’s going on, pick up a term 2 wallplanner from SUHQ Reception, keep an eye on our website, or drop in to have a chat to the sabbs – as always we’d love to hear from you.

Happy term two everyone – bring it on!


Term 2 is Varsity term! Our annual sports competition bonanza with local rivals Coventry (who we just so happen to have beaten for the last 21 years), Varsity is a great chance to show off your Warwick pride – and what better way to do that than by wearing a Varsity t-shirt? Buy them online and collect at SU reception, or swing by the Warwick Sport reception in the Sports Centre. At only £6 they are a total bargain, so get one whilst they’re still hot!


Tuesday, 9:30pm, Dirty Duck

POP! In The Jungle

Bush Tucka giveaway, Wednesday, 10pm (circles from 7pm), Copper Rooms


Thursday, 10pm, CR2

Get Funked

Friday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

Top Banana

Pirate Party with £500 giveaway, Friday, 10pm, Copper Rooms


Saturday, 9pm, Terrace Bar

PRESSURE feat MODESTEP (DJ set), DOORLY + supports

Saturday, 10pm, Copper Rooms

Refreshers Fair is next Monday, so we want to give you a heads up now! If you fancy joining any more societies and clubs or checking out a few new ones that we have on offer, this is the event for you. We’re really proud of our societies and clubs and all they do, so get involved – from 10:30 next week in the SU.

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