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House Hunting Advice
from Warwick SU
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Hello first years!

Hope you've all had a lovely holiday and are now ready to get stuck in to term 2 – trust me, it's even busier and more exciting than term 1 and I hope you'll all get involved in what's coming up!

However, if you're anything like freshers of the past, housing for next year will have been on your minds for a while now. Some of you might have already gone ahead and found a place – but the vast majority of you won't have done and all of a sudden PANIC will be setting in. I'm here to reassure you that there is absolutely no need to worry or stress out because we have lots of support heading your way!

  1. Housing Days – your chance to come and chat to students and advice centre staff about house hunting and your options. Representatives from the local district councils will also be there so you can ask them questions about the areas in which you're thinking of renting. And for the first time ever, we're having two housing days – one in week one and one in week four, so if you don't get the chance to go to one, you go to the other! Simple.
  2. Advice centre staff – the wonderful people who I am lucky enough to work will be available for contract checking throughout the term – call the advice centre reception (024 765 72824) for an appointment or drop in to SUHQ to make one in person.
  3. Drop-in sessions – if you're an international student, or if you don't have anyone to live with, then come along to these informal drop in sessions for a chat and some reassurance! Keep an eye on the SU website for more details about when and where.
  4. On a similar note, lots of information will be on the website so do have a good read through the FAQs and Dos and Don'ts of House Hunting at If you still have questions, email or Plus print off the house hunting checklist or pick up a hard copy from the advice centre.

Basically, don't panic – just relax. Choosing where to live and who to live with is a big decision so it's important that you take your time rather than rushing into anything. It's a decision that can't be undone once you've signed a contract so research your options, get all the advice and help you can, and don't worry. We are here to help.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!


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