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Warwick SU
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Hi Postgrads,

I hope the start of term has gone well for you and for any new students in particular, that you’re finding your way round campus and your departments.

I just wanted to remind you of a few things that are going on at the moment: firstly, if you’re interested in representing postgraduates to the Union and University, please consider running to be a postgraduate councillor. If elected, you would sit on the Student Union Council and have the ability to pass or challenge union policy as well as influence both the academic and broader experience of students at Warwick – so it’s a great way to get involved as well and boost your CV at the same time. For more information email Chris Luck, the Democracy Officer ( or check out

The university is undergoing its annual discussions on postgraduate taught fees. Whilst we do not yet know what their intentions are, the SU opposes any fee rise on principle and we really need you all to help us influence the outcome for the benefit of students. You can do this really easily – by filling out our survey about postgraduate taught financial experience. This feedback will be used to influence the decision of individual departments as well as the university as a whole, so please take ten minutes to have your say! To find out more email Sean Ruston, the education officer (

Finally, if you’re a PGT student don’t forget to take some time out of studying to come to the Graduate School (PGT) Reception tomorrow night (Thursday), from 5:30-8pm, where you’ll be welcomed by the Graduate School, the SU Sabbatical Officers and other key departments of the University and Students’ Union. It’s in the atrium of the SU building, there’ll be free drinks, and it’s a fantastic chance to get to know other postgraduates and wind down after a long week. Please come, it’d be great to meet as many of you as possible.

That’s all for now folks! Get filling out those surveys, nominate yourself for election, and get excited about tomorrow!

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