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Week 7 Roundup
from Warwick SU
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Alright monkeys! With only a few weeks left til the end of term we thought it was high time for another round-up email to let you know about some of the highlights of the last few weeks. We're really proud of the work that the SU does – not least because everything we do is in your interests and to make your time here really amazing!

So, since the start of term, 6618 of you have been to at least one of our union events (and judging by Facebook a good number of those people have been making good friends with our resident primate, Spank the Monkey. What a hero).

In really exciting news – thanks to the hard work of Chris Sury and the sports committee, we have been awarded the 'Be a Champion' accreditation award by NUS, at Bronze level. This is due to the fantastic work done around sport – including sports fest, sports fair and the Olympic torch visit. Winner!

Union council renewed 5 existing policies, passed 2 new ones and 2 resolutions at the beginning of week 7 – keep an eye on the website for more details of what impact these will have!

We have trained 253 SSLC representatives (and fed them 42 Dominos pizzas in the process!) so they can represent your academic concerns – for more information check out the SSLC website.

We have also recruited 90 students for the Inspire scheme to go into local schools and inspire the next generation of students to continue with Higher Education – and we currently have 33 students (1 for every academic department) participating in the University’s Teaching and Learning Review, which is aiming to improve the academic experience.

We had 130 students tested at the first GUM clinic of term – a new record! – had 120 sports team members attend breakfasts in Xananas (sponsored by PWC) and we took 63 students to the National Demo against Fees and Cuts in London.

Between them, the 7 Sabbs have written 15 blog posts about what they've been up to since the start of term – you can have a look at them here (trust me, they're a riveting read). Don't forget you can always come and talk to us about anything as well! Matt Rogers' societies surgery (every Thursday from 1-2 by the Bread Oven) has been a great way of engaging with students.


Izzy, Chris L, Matt, George, Sean, Chris S, and Leo

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