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Autumn elections
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The polls are open in this year's Autumn Elections and with just over a day left to cast your vote it's vital that you do so. We're calling on you to vote for Union Councillors, Postgrad Reps and NUS Conference Delegates.

Voting is done online at and takes just seconds.

But why should you bother?

Your representatives can genuinely make a difference. Don't believe me? Check out our What We Do For You Guide to check out some of the stuff that your elected representatives did last year.

Every single vote counts. Don’t think your vote won't make the difference – I've seen a lot of elections while I've been at Warwick and plenty have come down to a handful of votes.

You want representatives who will represent your views. Every day I hear people complain that their reps are concentrating on 'the wrong issues' which aren't 'relevant' to Warwick students. Simple answer – vote for people who will talk about the issues you're passionate about.

Because this is your Students' Union. We exist to represent you and if you don't buy into that then we can't do it effectively.

Problems voting? Email me –

This is your Union. Be part of it.

Chris Luck
Democracy Officer

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