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Autumn elections
nominations open.
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Hope you’ve all settled back in after a great summer and that things have calmed down a bit following the madness of freshers week. We’re sending out two emails this week to highlight the Autumn Elections to you all. With employability a number one concern for students this is a great way to earn some transferable skills and get a great CV boost whilst also making a genuine difference at Warwick.

This week we’re asking students to nominate themselves for Union Council. A bit like a student parliament, Council exists to debate, amend and pass policy as well as hold your Officers to account. Now, some of that might sound a bit dull but I assure you it isn’t. Union Council has genuine power to change things about your Students’ Union and decides how we lobby the University to make changes across campus. So if you’ve ever moaned about the Library or the price of core textbooks, have an issue with accommodation or don’t like something about your course then being a Union Councillor could be for you.

Think we discuss the wrong issues? Then get involved and talk about what you want to.

Is it a big time commitment? No, not at all – there are only 7 meetings in the whole year and each should be under 2 hours!

How do I find out more? Head to

When do nominations close? Friday 6pm.

Any questions? Problems? Email

This is your Union. Be part of it.

Chris Luck
Democracy Officer

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