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Whether you're a PGR or a PGT student, part-time or full-time, we want to know how the Students' Union can help in ensuring you have the best time possible at Warwick. As a Union we have been criticised in the past for the lack of postgraduate engagement, something that we are keen to change from this year.

It would be wrong for us to make assumptions about what postgraduates want, so it is crucial that we develop a robust two-way communication culture with you so that whatever it is you expect and would like to see, we can talk about developing. So as a start we will be hosting a focus group for postgraduates this Thursday (week 10) at 4PM in Meeting Room 4 in the SUHQ building to talk about what your needs and expectations are with regards to your overall university experience, and where we might be able to fit in. In particular we expect to discuss social provision, campus over the holiday, and key academic issues you may have with your course/department, but it's really up to you as to what we discuss!

At this meeting we will also be discussing the Postgraduate Association motion that was passed at the Union’s General Meeting which calls for an effective democratic structure into which postgraduate students fit.

So if you're free come along! This will be the first of many focus groups of the year. We really do need your input! Remember this is your Union.

Finally, the university is running an anonymous Student Barometer survey. The Student Barometer takes just 15 minutes to complete and is a survey that the SU and University take very seriously. It's a real chance to air your views and press for improvements to be made. The survey closes on 9th December so get your responses in now to be in with a chance of winning one of the prizes on offer - £1000 cash prize from survey provider, i-graduate and 5 x £100 Amazon vouchers from the University.

Feel free to give me a ring on 02476572784 if you have any questions.

Leo Boe, Warwick SU President

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