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Here at Warwick SU we're celebrating World Oceans Day so if you're a seafood fan be sure to head to Xananas and check out our specials all week. We’re also still welcoming your feedback on our proposed Strategic Plan for the next 3 years – please take the time to give us your thoughts! Apart from that we're left to wish those of you with exams or essays the best of luck and to congratulate those of you who are done!

Strategic Plan Consultation

Summer Party

Graduation Ball

News in Brief

A Month of Sundaes! Starting this week in Curiositea we’ve got a sundae menu each week for the rest of the month, and enough variety to try a different sundae every day for the whole of June!

Exams are often nerve-racking, but can be even more stressful if things don't go as planned. But don't panic! - there are lots of people you can contact for help, support and advice.

Give us your feedback on our proposed 3-year Strategic Plan – this will shape what your Union does over the next few years so you need to make sure we've got it right.

Interested in being a Freshers Supervisor this autumn? Look out for details on the website from tomorrow.

The University is thinking of extending the BioMed Grid. What would you like to see in terms of extended opening hours and workspace? Please send suggestions to

We have recieved warning from Warwickshire Police that there have been an increased number of burgularies in Leamington recently. Please be extra vigilant.

There are still places available for the Coventry Fun Run next Saturday. Students can register for just £5 on the day for the 4 mile charity run. More details are available on the website.

This Week

Tue 7th - Un-plucked - Dirty Duck, 9:30pm

Wed 8th - POP! - CR2, 10pm (Circles from 7pm)

Thu 9th - Idioteque - Terrace Bar, 9pm

Fri 10th - Get Funked - Terrace Bar, 9pm

Fri 10th - Baby B - CR2, 10pm

Sat 11th - Mixology - Terrace Bar, 9pm

Coming Soon

Fri 24th June - The Graduation Ball - National Motorcycle Museum - There are very few tickets remaining for this year's Graduation Ball, get your tickets now to avoid missing out!

Sun 26th June - Summer Party - Warwick SU's massive end-of-year blowout. Situated on the grassy fields behind University House, it’s a full-on mini-festival for all Warwick students which provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the end of exams with your friends and coursemates.

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