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Hi, I hope you’ve been having a great summer! It’s hard to think from our perspective that there’s only a month left until term starts again! From 1st August your new full-time officer team has been hard at work to make sure that the SU is better and more exciting than ever before; from improving the Atrium and developing other spaces in the SU to getting ready for the University’s internal academic departmental audit, from talks with bus companies to preparing for Orientation Week and Freshers. Needless to say, we can’t wait to see you back on campus - the seven of us are absolutely pumped to start the year!

This is the first of a series of single-issue emails talking about some of the Union’s key priorities. This email outlines some of the ways that you can boost your CV and employability skills regardless of what year you’re in or whether you’re a postgrad or an undergrad. Linked to this, you’ll also find below information on the SU’s Go Global strategy, which seeks to provide all students at Warwick with a global experience.

As always feel free to contact any of your elected Officers if you’d like to get in touch about anything before the beginning of the year!

Leo Boe
Warwick SU President

Go Global

Warwick SU Jobs

Advantage Award

Go Global

Whether you're looking for a boost to your employability skills, study in a different cultural context, work abroad, or want to pick up a new language; the Go Global initiative is here to help! Not only are we trying to expand the idea of Warwick being a global campus because of the 126 nationalities represented, making up 36% of the student population, but we’re also running this campaign to raise awareness of how much international/intercultural exposure can impact upon the likelihood of you getting a job. Click here to read through our Go Global Guide to see what opportunities are open to you. Tied into this, we're also really excited to introduce the brand new intercultural World@Warwick Society.

Warwick SU Jobs

Warwick SU employed 350 part-time student staff last year in almost all of our departments. Some jobs we'll be recruiting for include serving staff in our outlets, working with the technical services team on preparing the SU for evening events, working at reception, to name but a few. You also have the opportunity to volunteer in our Student Advice Centre (contact for more info). We won't have the comprehensive list of jobs available until the beginning of September, but keep your eyes peeled!

Warwick Advantage Award Scheme

The SU runs a recognition scheme along with the University which has two separate streams - Warwick Advantage and Global Advantage. The Advantage Award is sponsored by IBM, and seeks to recognise students who have been involved in activities which have resulted in community impact, where candidates have demonstrated teamwork and leadership skills. The Global Advantage Award is sponsored by Deloitte and seeks to recognise students who have spent a substantial amount of time engaging in international/intercultural activities and have proven to be flexible within such contexts which have resulted in clear personal growth. Have a look at the website and think about how your experiences might be able to qualify you to get one of these awards!

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