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While you are busy relaxing (or working!) during the vacation period, this weekend saw the end of one period of office and the start of another for the sabbatical officers that you have elected to represent you. From yesterday, the old officers are out and the new are in, so we thought we'd take the opportunity to let you know what we've been up to over the past year, any particular highlights, and what we'll be getting up to over the next few months.

Goodbye from…

Daniel Stevens
President 2010-11

I'm most proud of all the students here at Warwick - it's been a privilege to represent all of you this year and I wish you all the best! A particular success has been lobbying for improvements to bus services, which you will feel the impact of next year hopefully!

Stuart Stanley
Finance Officer 2010-11

It's been a busy year and time has absolutely flown by! - The things that really stick out though are the booksale (which we somehow managed to pull off despite some pretty significant tech failures) and the summer party (which it was an amazing opportunity to be involved in organising and I'm really proud of how the whole event went). I've also been involved in a significant amount of behind the scenes work as well, such as writing our annual grant bid to the University!

To sum it up; tiring, exciting, stressful, fun and so completely worthwhile!

Andy White
Societies Officer 2010-11

The Societies Fair back in October is up there as a highlight. What a buzzing atmosphere and so many society signups over two days after months of prep. Great feeling!

We've been re-elected…

George Whitworth
Sports Officer 2010-11
Union Development Officer 2011-12

I've had a brilliant year as sports officer, with an incredible (victorious!) Varsity series, a brilliant sports ball and a solid BUCS overall position. One thing to look out for in the near future is improvements to the WarwickSport website; I have spent a huge amount of time this year working on a website which will be easier to use and better for you guys.

Next year I have a huge amount of things I want to do, and neither the time or the money to do them all! Watch out for changes to the Atrium space coming for the start of term though, and hopefully a few changes to the Copper Rooms too!

Chris Luck
Democracy and Communications Officer 2010-11
Democracy Officer 2011-12

Elections turnout up, quorate Referenda, a new look, RANT week, Have Your Say and What We Do For You – an amazing year with amazing people and I can't wait to improve on what I've done this year in the year ahead!

Sean Ruston
Education Officer 2010-11
Education Officer 2011-12

Some particular highlights of the year for me were taking 300 students to London to protest against cuts to higher education, visiting schools with the Inspire scheme and getting the University to commit to changes on intercalated fees, feedback and widening access. I am looking forward to another year of representing every Warwick student in terms of their academic experience while at University!

Leo Boe
Welfare Officer 2010-11
President 2011-12

This has definitely been one of the best years of my life. Working for you guys on a variety of liberation campaigns, organising more sexual health clinics than ever before, running the most successful housing campaign to date, and winning a number of individual cases with local landlords as well as with the university have been how I spent my time as your Welfare Officer 2010-11. I'm very excited that next year I will be representing your views to the University, locally, and nationally, as well as improving the Union in ways you want to see it develop with the new team. If you see me around campus next year, stop me to say hi, and let me know how things are going!

Hello, we're new!

Matthew Rogers
Societies Officer 2011-12

Hi, I'm Matt and was lucky enough to be elected as your Societies Officer this year.

I'm hoping to build on Andy's success this year in increasing the numbers of students involved with our fantastic societies and will be working hard throughout the summer to ensure that we have an excellent Societies Fair in Week 1.

In addition to personal projects such as increasing rehearsal space for societies, I'll prioritise making sure I'm around to help you run your societies. Watch out for me at my weekly stall in the piazza!

Looking forward to a hectic, but very exciting year!

Chris Sury
Sports Officer 2011-12

Hi everybody, my name is Chris and I am next year's Sports Officer. I am really looking forward to working with you all on your projects, I think it is going to be a wicked year! I have many projects and ideas that revolve around making the sports community at Warwick wider, increase sport participation and win Varsity again!

See you all soon!

Izzy John
Welfare Officer 2011-12

My involvement in the students' union has been in campaigning, so that's really going to drive my work this year. My main aim is to champion the engagement of minority and liberation groups (BME, women, LGBTUA+, disabled, part-time and mature students), and look to increase their involvement in and enjoyment of the union at all levels. I'd especially love to see more women running for sabbatical election, and for more international students to get involved in union politics. Other than that, the central focus on my year is ensuring that everybody is happy and healthy!

That's the introductions done, we're working away over the entire summer, so if you have any questions or queries then don't hesitate to get in touch. We're all here to represent you so we're always happy to have a chat!

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