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Postgraduate Society Easter Tea Party

To celebrate Easter this term the Postgraduate Society is organising an Easter Tea Party on Wednesday, 9th March in Curiositea from 5.30pm. For your £5.00 ticket (£4.00 for members) you'll get sandwiches, hot-cross buns and delicious Easter-themed cakes as well as a choice of coffee, hot chocolate and tea. Not Easter themed enough for you? Well how about a choice of a creme egg milkshake or mini egg hot chocolate instead of your usual drink!

Tickets will be available from the 'Shop' section of our website until Sunday, 6th March and must be bought beforehand.

All are welcome to come along to this event and this is a great opportunity to have a fun evening and eat some cake, so bring along your friends and you may even make some new ones!

Other News

This week the Students' Union launches it's membership engagement survey 'the Big 5', it takes a few minutes to fill in but enters you into a prize draw to win some great prizes. With your input we can change your Union for the better. It's vital that the PG voice is heard.

Want a PG Ball? We've been approached by some postgrads who want to see a PG Ball as part of our Ents line-up. Sound like something you're interested in? Well fill in this survey and give us your opinion.

We're still asking for student input into our Student Safety survey, it takes just minutes.

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