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As you hopefully are aware this week we at the Students’ Union are running our annual membership survey, the Big 5. This is your chance to give us feedback in 5 key areas (Service, Involvement, Representation, Engagement and the Future) so we can make your SU as good as it can be.

You’re getting this email as we’ve identified you as someone who isn’t especially involved in the Union. As someone who isn’t a member of a society or sports club, someone who doesn’t go to The Copper Rooms and someone who doesn’t vote in elections it’s vital that we hear from you. If there is a reason that you’re not involved, we need to know why. Please take the time to give us some feedback, with your input we really can improve your Union for all our members.

You can fill in the survey online or pick up a paper copy from SUHQ reception or the SU Atrium all this week.

Thank you.

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