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With Officer Elections pretty much done and dusted (just Education to go!) we can turn our attention to the delights of the 32nd annual Real Ale Festival – with 100 beers, ciders, perries and fruit wines from across the globe. Elsewhere this week we’ve got Heat 3 of Battle of the Bands and an extra special treat at Un-plucked tonight as some Union staff take to the stage!

Elections Results

Battle of the Bands

RaW on Tour

News in Brief

In case you didn't notice – the Officer Elections happened last week and you might have missed the results, they're all available on the Warwick SU website with a full breakdown.

As part of the SU’s anti-discrimination research we've launched a Religious Minorities survey – please take the time to fill it in, it takes just minutes!

There's another GUM Clinic happening next week (on the 22nd) – it'll be in Meeting Rooms 2/3 so come along and get tested.

Don't miss the Real Ale Festival this week, featuring live performances from the likes of Dr. Busker; Britains last remaining Victorian pianist! (Thursday) Warwick University’s Wind Orchestra (Friday) and Jazz and Swing from Tom Lane’s Red Hot Chillies (Saturday). All this alongside a delicious hog roast and a tantalisingly tempting plethora of some of the finest real ales, ciders and perries known to humanity!

Four RaW members are traversing the country this week to raise money for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research. The team are aiming to visit 50 other student radio stations in 7 days, grabbing a slice of airtime on each to raise awareness for the cause. Visit their website to find out more, track their progress and donate.

The Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning are conducting a questionnaire to find out your thoughts on the teaching and learning experience at Warwick. It should only take 5-10 minutes to complete, and there's £100 in Amazon vouchers up for grabs.

This Week

Tues 15th - Un-Plucked – The Staff Special! - Dirty Duck, 9:30pm - Question: what do an Event Technician, Promotions Manager, Cellar-man, Top Banana DJ and Ents Manager have in common? Answer: they’re all downing their day-tools and stepping under the bright lights of the Un-Plucked stage for a one-night-only staff special! Come holler, applaud, dance or just weep into your pint. Acoustic covers live at the Dirty Duck.

Wed 16th - POP! Midweek Mayhem - CR2, 10pm (circles from 7pm)

Thurs 17th - Idioteque - Terrace Bar, 9pm

Thurs 17th - Battle of the Bands: Heat 3 - CR2, 8pm

Thurs 17th - Real Ale Festival - CR1, 6pm

Fri 18th - Get Funked - Terrace Bar, 9pm

Fri 18th - Real Ale Festival - CR1, 6pm

Sat 19th - Mixology - Terrace Bar, 9pm

Sat 19th - Real Ale Festival - CR1, 6pm

Sun 20th - La Juerga - Terrace Bar, 9pm - Come and get involved with the Latin societies as we highlight all the vibrancy of Latin music, drink, dance and culture. FREE ENTRY – Because mi casa es su casa!

The Top 5...

Sample the delights of the Real Ale Festival

Check out who will be running your Union next year

Support grass-roots live music on campus at Battle of the Bands Heat 3

See some SU staff take to the stage at Unplucked tonight

Book your tickets for Pizazz on Sunday

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